Chapter 21

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It was unlike anything Kyle had ever seen. His suit whirred, trying to identify whatever it is that the Scourge was turning into. It stopped on a giant squid, then walrus, then killer whale. It eventually settled on 'Unidentifiable'. To Kyle, it looked like a massive walrus with squid tentacles and a single horn in the middle of its head. It almost looked comical, until it charged straight at Kyle, nearly impaling him.

"What the heck is that!" Simon yelled. He had glanced over from his fight with Sophia.

"FOCUS." Sophia screamed, as she jumped at him with a katana. "There's a knife in my back pocket. Stay away from my left side." She sliced through the air, nearly chopping Simon's hand off.

Simon backed up a bit, then slung off his backpack. He unzipped the top, then pulled out a smoke grenade. He slammed it into the ground, then started running.

"Good trick!" Sophia yelled. "Get as much distance between us as possible!"

On the other side of the room, the Scourge and Kyle were deadlocked. They circled each other, neither one daring to make a move. From the ceiling, water continued to spill out, slowly filling the area. Simon was almost up to his knees when the Scourge suddenly stuck. He lunged forward, clearly trying to gore Kyle with his horn. This time, instead of jumping to the side, Kyle lunged forward. He grabbed onto the Scourge's horn, and jumped up onto his back. He pulled out a pistol, and jammed it straight into the back of the creature's head.

"Nighty-night." He muttered, and squeezed the trigger. At that moment, the Scourge began shaking and rolling around, almost as if he was having a seizure. Kyle was thrown off, and his shot went wild. The creature began vibrating at an almost incomprehensible speed. Kyle pulled out a rifle and fired a bullet into the mass. It hit the creature, then, amazingly, passed straight through it. Kyle watched as the Scourge morphed into yet another creature. This time it was a humanoid shape, but that was about all that looked normal.
It looked completely made out of smoke. When it moved, its entire body would ripple, and the air around it would turn slightly smoky.
The water stopped pouring. Kyle was soaked from the knee down. He sloshed around, trying to get at the Scourge. He raised his arm, and fired a jet of gasoline at the Scourge. The smoky figure vanished, then reformed right behind Kyle.

"Goodbye" the Scourge whispered.


Meanwhile, Simon was having just as hard of a time fighting Sophia.

"Dude, I'm literally telling you everything I'm gonna do, and you're flopping around like a dead fish. Look out to your right." Simon jumped to his left as one of Sophia's daggers came whooshing past him. 

"WELL EXCUSE ME IF I HAVEN'T BEEN TRAINED IN KILLING PEOPLE MISSY. SHUT UP AND HELP ME STABBY STABBY YOU." With a scream of frustration, Simon sprinted straight at Sophia and punched her, square across the jaw. He stopped in shock, and realized what he had just done. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry, here I have some ice in my backpack..." He rummaged around for a moment before Sophia slammed her fist straight into his stomach. He stumbled over, then toppled onto the ground.

"That's good you idiot, keep doing that! Channel your anger! Also MOVE THE HECK OUT OF THE WAY BEFORE I CRUSH YOUR WINDPIPE." Sophia's boot came down, crushing Kyle's windpipe. He put his hands up to her leg. "PULL YOU DAMN FOOL, BEFORE YOU CHOKE TO DEATH." Simon struggled for a bit, then ripped Sophia's leg off of him, and threw her to the ground. He stood up, and brushed himself off. 

"This is where the real fight starts."


Kyle was struggling. The Scourge had him trapped in one position. The smoky figure pointed a gun to his head, while Kyle stood, absolutely frozen, not even daring to breathe.

"I think this is an appropriate time for my villain monologue, is it not?" The Scourge taunted. 

"Just get it over with." Simon muttered through gritted teeth. The Scourge laughed, with a dark, raspy voice. His cackle echoed all throughout the hall, grating at Simon's ears.

"Why would I get it over with when I have you right in my clutch? I think I'd rather play some games instead." The Scourge's figure began vibrating and glowing once again. Kyle watched in horror as the Scourge transformed into something that he, sadly, recognized.

"A dragon." He whispered. Where the Scourge had stood five seconds ago, there was now a massive, red, scaly, firebreathing dragon.

"Run, my little plaything, run. You wouldn't want to get burnt to a crisp, would you?" Simon turned on his suit's engines and began flying away as fast as he could. In the corner of his eye, he saw Sophia and Simon.

"Simon, LOOK OUT!" Simon turned his head and jumped aside, and his spot was quickly replaced by a large blast of fire. 

"Why are we doing so much jumping aside nowadays?" Simon screamed, and he pulled out a desert eagle from his pack. He fired a line of bullets at the Dragon. They hit the Scourge's side, then merely bounced off his thick hide. The Scourge turned around, and stared directly at him. "Uh oh." Simon started backing up as the Scourge advanced on him. He was in a fair amount of trouble.


Meanwhile, Kyle was busy fighting Sophia.

"It's really nice to see you again," Kyle said. "You're pretty cute even when you're trying to cut my body into tiny pieces." Sophia blushed.

"You're so flattering." She jumped at him with a flying crane kick, and Kyle caught it and brought her to the ground with a thud. 

"Wanna go to a restaurant on Monday? I here there's a good place for pizza somewhere on Fifth Street."

"Sure, sounds good." Sophia leaped to her feet, and pulled out yet another dagger. She ran at Kyle with the blade outstretched, prepared to stab him. At the last second, he raised his arm, blocking the hit. The dagger and Kyle's arm collided in a heap of sparks and friction. "Keep pushing, Kyle. Don't you dare let go."

"I'll never let go, Rose." Suddenly, they heard a loud screaming sound behind them. "Simon." Kyle spun around, and saw Simon, hanging on for dear life from the Dragon's wings. "I'M COMING FOR YOU DUDE, JUST HANG ON!" He was about to activate his suit's flight, when he felt a sharp pain in his lower back. He felt his suit shutting down around him. He turned around to see Sophia, eyes wide in shock, shoving a knife into his lower back. His suit began malfunctioning, and he toppled over onto the ground.

"Looks like it's too late. I've won." The Scourge said triumphantly, with a grin. He flew over, wings flapping, and a beaten up Simon in his mouth. Sophia grabbed Kyle, pulled him up, then held his head up so he could see him. "Now, you get to watch as I kill your best friend.

"NO!" Sophia shrieked. Kyle could feel his consciousness ebbing. Any moment now, he would pass out. The Scourge threw Simon onto the ground. Simon screamed in pain as a large draconic foot came out and stomped on his legs.

"Goodbye, foolish one." The Scourge prepared to blast Simon with a jet of flames. Suddenly, Simon pulled out his bag, and unzipped it. He picked it up upside down, and shook it. Hundreds of explosives tumbled out, from C4 to dynamite to his favorite hand grenades and sticky bombs. It seemed like Simon had really come prepared. He picked up a box of matches, and lit it.

"NO! I WILL NOT BE DEFEATED SO EASILY!" The Scourge yelled. It was too late. Simon put the match to a stick of dynamite. Simon opened his mouth to say something. Kyle's eyes dimmed, and he slumped to the ground.

"Boom boom." 

The last thing Kyle saw was the explosion.

Then, black.


Hey guys, thanks for reading the penultimate chapter of Gearcrash. Only one more chapter guys, we've almost made it! Sorry about the really long delay, I was super busy with vacations and such. But now, the final chapter of Gearcrash should come out by next week. Hope you guys enjoyed it, and peace out.

I'm a wock star - Phantom Watcher

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