Chapter 7

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The Scourge walked down an alleyway, whistling to himself. He wasn't necessarily happy, but he was very pleased. His plan was carrying out nicely. He glanced around his surroundings. Hubgarden wasn't a safe place to be in at night for normal people. It was a good thing that he wasn't a normal person.

"Your new body is looking pretty drab. Hall of the Mountain King, a dark trench coat, and a black bowler hat? How more cliche can you get?" The Scourge turned around, slightly annoyed. There stood the most important person in his plans, the key to his goals being accomplished. They were wearing a dark hood over some brand name shirt and jeans. He would have to deal with his taste in clothes being insulted for now. He gritted his teeth.

"Have you made any progress, or are you just here to poke fun at me?" 

"Ah yes. They both trust me, and I believe that one of them is even starting to become smitten with me." The Scourge smiled. This was good news. If they started to trust his... friend, then he would easily be able to destroy the "superhero".

"Whatever you're doing, keep it up. It's working. Within no time we'll be on top of the world. Isn't that right... Sophia?" The figure lifted up their hood to reveal a brightly colored fedora.

"Yes, that's right." She said, grinning.


Simon was on the lab's computer systems. Sophia had showed him the basics of coding, and he was helping implement a new camera system to hook up to Kyle's suit. He yawned, and stretched his arms out. "If I keep doing this for another hour, I'm gonna end up with carpal tunnel." He got up from his seat and walked around the lab, and went over to look at the suit. It was encased inside a tall glass case, which opened up on a set of hinges when Kyle needed to take it out. Simon looked closer at the center of the suit. There was a small black cube extruding from where Sophia had fixed the suit. He took a closer glance at it. There was a little red light blinking on and off in the center of the cube. Simon went to open the front of the case. Suddenly, the alarm went off. Simon looked up. The alarm meant there was something really serious going on, like a serial killer or a bombing. He grabbed his phone and dialed Kyle's number. It didn't work. Kyle's voicemail came up. 

"Hey, this is Kyle, leave a message after the beep!" Simon tried again. The same  voicemail came up. 

"C'mon Kyle, why aren't you ever here when I need you?" Simon muttered exasperatedly. "You know what? Screw it." He opened up the case, took out the suit, and strapped himself in. "Alright, Alpha Leader to Gearcrash, let's go kick some ass."

He walked outside the lab, and ignited the suit's jet engines. "Alright! I can do this! I am most certainly NOT terrified out of my wits!" Simon kicked off the ground, and flew into the night sky.


Kyle looked in the mirror. After relentlessly combing his hair for almost ten minutes, and putting enough hair gel to drown all of New Reza, he still looked like a walking bird's nest. He heard the doorbell ring. "Coming!" He called, still combing his hair. He set the comb down, and walked over to the front door. "Okay," He said to himself, "You got this." He opened the door. There stood Sophia, looking absolutely stunning. She was wearing a dark blue blouse, and a pair of dark blue jeans. Instead of her usual fedora, she was wearing a sunhat with a black ribbon tied on it. Her dark hair was combed into curly locks, and Kyle could see a faint trace of eye shadow under her dark brown eyes.

"You look great!" Sophia said, smiling at him. 

"Y-you too." Kyle stammered out. He stepped outside, and got into Sophia's car. 

"So, what movie are we seeing tonight?" Sophia asked, starting the engine. 

"It's really old, but it's called Jack and Jill. It's by this guy named Adam Sandler, and he plays Jack, and his sister named Jill, and it sounds horrible enough to be surprisingly funny." 

"That sounds awful." Sophia said grinning, as she steered the car. "But at least we get to watch it together." 

"Y-y-yeah" Kyle stuttered. Why was it that whenever he actually needed to talk properly, he began verbally breaking down? They arrived at the movie theater. At the entrance, the security bot sat there scanning everyone who went in for their tickets.

"You brought the tickets, right?" Sophia asked.

"Yeah, they're in my pocket right here, hold on." Kyle dug through his pockets. He felt his phone vibrate, signaling that someone was calling him. Eh, they can wait, Kyle said to himself as he took the two tickets out of his pocket. He deserved just this one night off.

"Shall we go in?" Sophia said, smiling.

"We shall." Kyle walked over to the security robot, scanned their tickets, then walked in, Sophia right behind him.

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