Chapter 8

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Simon arrived at Eldcastle Square, where the alarm had signaled him. It looked like a tornado had hit. There was trash strewn everywhere, street lamps knocked over, and the bronze statue of some dead guy in the middle of the park was on the ground, laying in pieces. Simon looked around. It wasn't that hard to find the source of the destruction. In the middle of all the rubble, there was a large man. The man was fully jacked, with huge muscles rippling down his entire body. He jumped up and down, and with every stomp, the ground seemed to shake.

"What on earth is he doing?" Simon muttered to himself, as he used the suit's visors to zoom in. On further inspection, Simon could see the man had mechanical braces all down his leg. "Sophia, can you get a read on this guy?" Then he remembered. Sophia wasn't here. Neither was Kyle. He was in this alone.

"Hey meatball!" Simon yelled towards the man. The man looked up and stared at Simon.

"MY NAME NOT MEATBALL. MY NAME SUPER HOT GUY PERSON! ME SMASH YOU!" Simon sighed. Why did the big guys always talk like neanderthals? 

"You know what? I'm not going to call you that. You look like a Carl. I'll call you Carl the Caveman." Carl seemed to not like his new name. He stomped on the ground, sending another shock wave through the air. The earth shook, and Simon struggled to stay in the air. Flying the suit was much harder than Kyle made it look.

"Look, Carl, let's make this easy. Me get cage, you go in cage, you go bye bye." Burning Brute roared, and jumped at Simon, barely missing his leg. Simon flew higher up into the air, dodging his attack. "Come and get me!" Simon called. Burning Brute jumped again and once again nearly missed Simon. He was clearly getting frustrated, as his face was bright red, and his teeth were fully bared. Simon sighed. This was NOT going to be fun.


Kyle sighed. This was going to be fun. He and Sophia had just taken their seats at the theater. She had taken off her hat, revealing her soft brown hair. Kyle blinked to make sure this was real. He still couldn't believe that Sophia had agreed to come to the movies with him. He stretched, and relaxed in his seat. He grabbed the armrest to his right, only to find Sophia's arm already on there.

"Oops!" Sophia removed her arm and smiled. Kyle blushed.

"It's fine you can have it. You know, I don't even know why they have two armrests, I mean, are we supposed to grab the left one or the right one?"

"Oh hush, the movie's starting." Sophia held Kyle's hand on the armrest. "Let's just shut up and watch." 

"Sounds good to me." Kyle said. For once, he was perfectly content to sit back and just do nothing.

________________________________________________________________________________Simon was panicking. Why couldn't he just sit back and do nothing for once? Carl bellowed yet another war cry, and jumped at him. 


"Yeah yeah, hold on for just a sec..." Simon was floundering. He had no idea how to use the suit. What was he thinking? He mentally berated himself. He got one chance to prove that he was just as good as Kyle, that he wasn't the sidekick, and he was already messing up. He pushed a button on his wrist. It shot a red beam out of his palm, and ricocheted off the ground at a piece of statue. When it hit the statue, the statue immediately crumbled into lots of tiny pieces. "Okay then, too strong." Simon said. "Let's see if this one trips him up." He chose another button, and fired the laser at Carl. The Caveman stumbled a bit, then immediately rebounded and sent another vibration at Simon. Simon quickly sped out of the way, and spat at him.

"Can you stop for just ONE second? I'm doing some important stuff here." Simon searched his wristpad for anything that looked like a tranquilizer. 

"Got it!" He shouted out.


"This movie is awful." Sophia whispered to Kyle. Kyle silently agreed with her. He had no idea who this 'Adam Sandler' person was, but he had no business directing or acting movies. The popcorn was good though. He reached in to grab another handful, only to realize the bucket wasn't there. Instead, Sophia had placed her hand where the bucket was, and grabbed Kyle's hand.

"What say we go somewhere else after this. The movie's almost over, and I'm sure Simon is fine by himself" Kyle grinned.

"Why not? We could go out to this one bar I know with really good milkshakes."

"Sounds like a plan. Let's bear through this last bit then." Sophia let go of Kyle's hand and got another handful of popcorn, putting the bucket back.


"LOOKS LIKE LITTLE ROCKET MAN ISN'T FINE BY HIMSELF!" Carl had grabbed a hold of Simon's leg with his massive hand, and was waving him around. "SUPER HOT GUY PERSON SMASH!" He threw Simon onto the ground with amazing force, making a large person-sized dent in the ground. Simon had found the horse tranquilizer, and he just needed an opportunity... 

"Hey, um Super Hot Guy Person!" Carl looked at Simon curiously. "Your uh... muscles are amazing! Can you pick me up so I can see them better?" Carl grunted, then lifted Simon up into the air. "Wow, I can't believe that worked." Simon mumbled to himself, and he shot the tranquilizer into Carl's body. The Caveman gave a mighty groan as he fell to the ground with a thud. Simon got up, and brushed himself off. He moved over to the big lump of muscle on the ground, and handcuffed him. Simon could hear police sirens wailing in the background. He had better get back to base. And Kyle and Sophia had a LOT of explaining to do.


"You have a lot of explaining to do," Sophia said playfully, punching Kyle's arm. "That movie was awful." She and Kyle sat in a both at the local Christine's, a kid-friendly bar/restaurant. The atmosphere was warm, with bright orange walls and a marble checker-patterned floor. Kyle had ordered a strawberry milkshake, while Sophia had opted for the more adult red currant rum.

"Hey, to be honest, his acting really isn't that bad." Kyle reached for his milkshake and took a sip.

"Yes, yes it is. I am appalled that you think it isn't." Sophia knocked back another swig of her rum. "Hey, you eighteen yet?" She said, with a twinkle in her eye.

"I am, but let's try to keep it PG here." Sophia looked down, both amused and disappointed. 

"Alright." He finished off his milkshake, and went over to throw it away. He came back, and Sophia had finished her rum as well.

"I gotta go. It's been wonderful." Sophia smiled. She got up and threw her finished drink away as well, then walked over to Kyle and took his hands. "The movie may have sucked, but you made this night a thousand times better. Kyle blushed.

"I was just going to say the same thing about you." He closed his eyes and leaned forwards, as Sophia did as. He felt their lips embrace, and he felt Sophia's chest beating almost as fast as his. Kyle's blood rushed all through his body as they kissed. He didn't know how long they were there for, seconds, minutes, maybe hours, but all he knew was that it didn't last long enough, and he wanted more. Suddenly, Sophia pulled back, her face bright red.

"I-I have to go somewhere, see you soon!" She sprinted out of the bar and into the street. Kyle stood there, still amazed, in half-shock. He had no idea what had just happened. He sat back down at the bar and looked at the bright, full moon from outside the window. 

It was beautiful.

Author's Note : Hey, Anju/Phantom Watcher here! I hope you're enjoyed my book : Gearcrash! I just wanted to let you guys know that my updates are going to most likely slow down for a bit. Let me know what you think of this story so far in the comments, and have some fantastic dreams tonight! :D

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