Chapter 6

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"Well, that's that." said Kyle. He and Simon had just finished locking Tara up in their cryogenic chambers. Kyle looked around. It had been nearly two months since they started "Team Gearcrash" with Sophia. Their jail cells had slowly grown from nearly empty to overflowing with criminals. From purse-snatchers like the thief that they had arrested on their first day, to terrorists like Tara, there were almost thirty law-breakers resting in their sleep pods. Simon still wasn't sure about the morality of this, but he

Simon shut the door to the cell room, and walked out into the lab. Sophia had done some serious revamping to their previously dull and empty headquarters. She had replaced the old white walls with new wallpaper. Now, all four sides of the room sported brightly colored murals, from various artists from centuries ago. Gerard Richter, Andrew Wyatt, and even Picasso's work surrounded Simon as he walked over to what used to be a jumbled mess of spare parts and wires. Sophia had upgraded this too, and it was now a system of computers and intricate wiring systems, all with functions that would help her watch over Simon and Kyle as they fought out in the field. Simon wondered where Sophia could possibly had gotten all of this. He shrugged. She was probably an IT expert or worked in technology. He walked over to the best part of the new base. It had it's very own minibar! He took out an orange soda (Only a few months before he could get wasted!) and gulped it down. He sighed and closed his eyes. Sophia really was a miracle worker.


 Back in the cryogenic chambers, Kyle was working on expanding their cells with Sophia. They were quickly running out of space, so they needed to create more cells. He finished placing in the energy battery of his third new chamber pod, and glanced over at Sophia. She had somehow already build a row, and was on her tenth. He shook his head in wonder. "Soph, how are you so good at this?" Sophia looked back at him from down the hall, grinning. She brushed a lock of dark brown hair out of her eyes. Kyle had never noticed how nice her smile was.

"I was a mechanical engineer. Dropped out of college to work with machines. Totally worth it." She turned her wrench a few times. "Alright that's number eleven. I'm done for today." She looked over at the minuscule progress that Kyle had made. "Looks like you'll need some help with that." She took the wrench out of Kyle's hands and got to work. Kyle stared at her for a second, then spoke up.

"Hey, do you wanna see a movie tonight?" Sophia looked up, surprised. 

"Alright, I'll go tell Simon..."

"Why don't we just make it you and me?" Kyle asked. "Simon's probably busy." Sophia smiled again.

"Sounds like a plan. I'll finish these up, then I'll get my fedora and we can watch a movie."

 Kyle smiled back, and started walking down the hallway to the lab. "Alright, see you tonight."

"See you tonight."

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