Chapter Two

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   I don't remember anything before my awakening. But what I do know, is my mission. Serve my creator, and follow the laws of robotics.
   "Alright, you are going home with me and getting rid of my daughter. You can do anything, drown her, burn her alive, pour chemicals on her, excreta. Got it?"
   "I can not harm any humans."
   "You have to do what I say! It's in your code!"
    "Law one of robotics; you can not harm any humans. Law two of robotics; you will do any instructions given to you, unless they imped with law one. Law three of robotics; I must protect myself, unless they imped with laws one and two." He sighed deeply and slammed his fists down on the dashboard of his space shuttle.
   "Son of a bitch! You think you're all wise and shit?! I will make you pay for what you said to me!" I observed his behaviour and stored it in my database. For some reason, I almost feel like I've seen this behaviour before; not sure where.
   "You will help me kill my daughter, and you will obey my every wish and desire! Or, it's to the scarp yard with you! You understand me?!" I didn't know how to respond, so I stayed quiet. He took that as a positive response and smirked with a wicked eye. I don't trust this man, but I can't disobey my own creator. This I cannot forget!

   We soon flew into orbit of the Moon that orbits the planet Earth. Once humans destroyed that planet, they moved to several others in the galaxy. He forcefully pulled me from the ship and guided me towards a town with nice little shops and a mansion looming over it. I had a feeling I was going there... I didn't want to, but I might have to.
    To my fears, he pointed to said mansion and told me to go there. Wait in the basement for my instructions, and to not talk to anyone who tries to speak to him... Especially the brat in the house. I nodded and started to stroll around in the direction of the dark towering figure ahead. I noticed several people turning heads, and ushering their children away; horrified by my appearance. But after awhile of walking, a certain house caught my eye. I stopped in front of it and studied it carefully, and I saw almost ghosts laughing in front of it. A small child and an older man chasing each other.
    "You can't catch me daddy!"
    "Oh, come back here James!"

   "James..." I stepped closer and the ghosts vanished, and placed my hand upon the front door. Again I heard the same voices, but a female one as well. All happy and cheery.
    "Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you! Happy birthday, James. Happy birthday to you!"
    "What did you wish for son?"
    "To grow up like you dad!"
    "Aww, maybe I can bring you by the lab tomorrow. Show you what it is I do."

   "The lab..." This moment was interrupted by a violent pull from the door by my angry master.
    "What are you doing?! I told you to go to the house! Can you not follow basic directions?!" I wanted to explain, but I instead walked on and arrived at the house. I slowly pushed the front door open and was mesmerized by the beautiful interior. It had soft hazel walls, beautiful chandeliers gleaming above me, and smooth wood floors. I was about to step closer inside when another scene with some ghosts flashed before me. It was of two teenagers, one male another female.
   "Yes! I'd love to go to homecoming with you..."
   "Heh, you look really pretty when your face is flushed."
   "Oh shut up!"
   "I'm just saying! Anyway, does dad mind if you go?"
   "I don't think he would... It's with you."
  "Would it be different if it was another guy?"
  "Umm, enough about that! I want to show you something. It's up in my room..."
   She grabbed his hand and pulled him up the stairs, my instinct was to follow them. Once I reached the top step, I stopped in front of the male ghost. He was standing outside of it and did a secret knock. He then vanished, so I took his place and did that knock. I waited for someone to answer it.
   "James...?" I heard that same female voice from that ghost from behind the door, before it flung open. She was taken aback by who was actually there.
   "How did you know that knock?! Only me and my boyfriend knew that knock!" She pushed me against the hallway wall and studied my body. She then backed away and tilted her head curiously.
   "Who are you...? One of my father's creations?"
   "I... I don't have a name. But I was created by a man who told me to come here. But I got distracted by these ghost-like things. They played out scenes from long ago. You were actually one of them." She took a minute to think that over and then asked her next question.
   "What were the ghosts doing? The one with me?" Before I could answer my creator entered the house and stomped towards the basement entrance.
   "Shit, you have to go! He's going to kill you if he sees you with me. Bye..." She retreated back to her room and closed the door, so I advanced down the stairs to speak to my master.
   "There you are! Why weren't you down here?!"
   "You didn't tell me to come here... Only to go to the house." He sighed in anger and pushed things off of a workbench to the floor. He then grabbed me and whispered hoarsely to me.
   "Do one more thing to undermine me, and you'll regret it boy! Now get in that cage, and stay quiet!... I have to deal with my little brat upstairs..." He left and I sat down in a cell. I glanced at the floor and saw writing, I read it and saw that name again... James. Who is this James, and why does his name haunt me? I need to find answers, and I don't think my creator will give them. But maybe the ginger girl upstairs? She may hold the key to unlocking this mysterious blight.

   I stayed here in this one position for 3 hours, 45 minutes and 20 seconds until quiet footsteps echoed through the basement. Then that girl appeared and crouched in front of the cell door.
   "Hey." She was whispering and doing something to the lock on the door.
   "You have to be quiet, but I want to talk to you. I need to know more about what you know!" Then the door creaked open and she was crouched next to me, studying my body more.
   "Do you remember the question I asked you earlier? You didn't get to answer it..." I looked at her and gave a smile.
   "The male one, the one called James as I've heard was asking the ghost of you out to 'homecoming.' If that means anything to you." Her eyes widened and she touched my cheek, and looked into my eyes.
   "Then what happened?"
   "Then the ghost of you told him you had something to show him, and carried him up the stairs by the hand. I followed and saw him do that knock, so I did it." She then wrapped her arms around me and a wet substance pinged off my body.
   "It's you... I've found you. I knew you couldn't be dead, I knew it. I'm so happy to see you alive! I love you, James."

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