Chapter Five

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    A steady stream kept running along the smooth surface. The more that moved, the more I panicked. Am I bleeding? Is this fluid supposed to be inside my body? I studied the substance on my hand and moved it between my fingers. It seeped into the small cracks and joints and gave a few sparks. My vision blurred, I fell back and powered down. Obvious to everything that would soon follow.

    All of a sudden I was in a dark room with a blinding light over head of me. The sound of shuffling in the dark made my nerves go on the edge. Then heavy footsteps came towards my direction and stopped on the edge of dark and light. Then it spoke.
    "How far did you think you would get before I was able to track you?" I froze with the realization of the voice. It was my creator, Dr. Grant.
    He then rushed to me and pushed the chair I was strapped to back and spat in my face.
    "I asked you a fucking question!" I eyed him and spoke softly.
    "Far enough."
    "Are you getting smart with me? I should kill you for that..." He raised his other hand to my face, a bloodstained box cutter held firmly there. "But, I won't. You're my ticket to the perfect life." He grinned and lowered the weapon and backed away. He let go of the chair and it fell back down with a loud crash. He then retreated back to the dark and picked up something heavy. Which he then threw into the light.

    It was Amy. Only this twisted version of her was gagged with a white cloth and tied with a similar fabric. Each having blood red blotches staining it.
    After looking at her terrified figure better, I saw cuts and bruises. Some bleeding and others freshly clotted. Her quiet gasps and twitches showed her great discomfort and pain. I tried to free myself to aid her, but that vicious monster grabbed her and forcefully dragged her back into the dark. Then another female voice cried to her, I knew this was Jade.
    "Stop it! She's had enough!" With a thud and few heavy stomps I heard a smacking sound and the sound of a body crashing to the floor.
    "Shut the fuck up! If I have to, I will kill you again. One match and a can of gasoline can work, if you missed the flames."
    I wish I could see what was happening in the darkness, but another part of me was glad I couldn't. I don't want to see what horrible things are hiding there. Especially the tortured bodies that belonged to Amy and her mother.

    Why do I care for them and not my master?

   Is it the kindness in their eyes and the madness in his voice? Or something deeper... Something I don't understand, but feel. It brings me nostalgia, but deja vu at the same time. Definitely a mystery on where this line of trust was drawn, but it's divine and radiant. Like the sun, or any other star glimmering in the galaxy.
    He then rushed back to the light and walked past, grabbed the head of the chair and proceeded to drag it across the concrete floor. Then he slammed the door shut in front of me after we moved through it. I couldn't see where we were going, only where we were. I took in my surroundings and counted the bulbs that passed over head. Six, seven, eight, stop.
    I heard a trap door creak and he threw off my restraints. I tried to run, but he grabbed my arms and threw me against the wall, damaging my shoulder plates and pulling a few cords loose. I then noticed I was seeing the floor and his scowl at once, one of my eyes must of popped out.
   "Don't even think about it!" I was ushered up rusted ladder steps to a garage with one shuttle inside. He snapped his fingers and I turned to see a human sized coffin. No, not a coffin, a box. With plastic and foam for safe transport, and the lid was resting against the wall. I entered it and turned to face the room, which was instantly closed off and I stared into darkness. I felt the feeling of vertigo as he moved it presumably on the ship.

    But the part I didn't understand, was why his laugh sounded so blissful. Not mad, or excited... No. Like he had a wave of calm and relaxation come over his soul. It was more eerie then if it were a madman's laugh. How could he have rid himself of a burden if he inflicted harm on others?
    "Don't worry, I'm taking you to get your programs in order. Clearly they must be damaged..." I heard a heavy metal door clank shut and I stood there for three hours. The occasional shift and shake of the box, reminded me of where I was. My Galaxy Positioning System, or GPS, gave me some clue on where I was going. I was returning to the planet Sque, the place where I opened my eyes and saw the universe for the first time. My first sight was crimson blood on a white table, with bloodied tools contaminating the clean counters. Maybe it was this view that put my creator in a place of distrust... I wouldn't trust any man with such violent and malicious tendencies.

   And the sweetness in that girl's eyes, opened the window to her kind and tortured soul. Such sweetness makes me spare her the mercy she deserves from this cruel reality. Or is there something more in that girl that makes me trust her? I know not of James's life, but I know I am him. Is it possible to have a sliver of humanity from him, and use it to protect his significant other?... Perhaps there is meaning in this theory. But there are no cases of this happening before, so I am at a loss.


     I was rudely taken from my peaceful, yet frustrating, thinking to the loud opening of the door that kept me within this space craft. Grant's heavy pants and steps echoed towards me and forcefully strained on the motion of my crate. I moved painfully slow and crashed to a hard surface carelessly. The crate fell apart partially, so I finished it off and pulled myself from the cheep and wrecked wooden boards. After I stood, I turned to see a massive building hovering at a staggering height. The shadow of it covered over me and blocked out the velvet like sun above. Leaving the cool chill and uneasy feeling that radiated off the structure. I stood tall and looked at it with weary eyes, unsure on what lies behind the concrete walls.

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