Chapter Three

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   I pushed her off gently and looked at her.
   "I beg your pardon?" She sighs and looks away, rubbing her bruised left arm.
   "... You weren't always like this. I should of known my father would do something like this. He kidnapped you, and took your measurements and I guess put you in a metal husk. I don't know why, or how but I know you can't stay here. You have to get out of here... My father is dangerous." She was pulling me by the hand, trying to get me to move but I wouldn't.
   "I was commanded to stay here, I can not leave and disobey my orders."
   "Then I order you to leave this house and run far away from here!" I stood and was conflicted by who I should listen to, but by the time I chose to stay I was already at the front door. She looked at me with tears in her eyes and leaned close to me, she pressed her lips to my cheek and started to walk towards to her room.
   "Goodbye... James." I pulled my arm out and grabbed hold of hers.
   "I'm not leaving without you... Law one of robotics; I can not harm any humans. Leaving you here will harm you, and I can not let that happen." She smiled at me and grabbed my hand.
   "But-" She looked back at the darkened hall and spoke with a trace of sadness. "I'll be beaten beyond comprehension if I go. It's the only way. I'm sorry James, I truly am." She let go softly and started to turn on her heel, when I forcefully grabbed her by the hand and yanked her towards the heavy auburn door. I looked at her concerned, and my voice was full of certainty and a stern tone.
   "If you stay you'll be beaten beyond comprehension. If you come with me, you'll have someone there to protect you." I saw something that I've never seen before in her eyes. It's as if a light that never shined, gleamed on her. A sliver of hope I wanted to preserve in her frail features.

   With a smile showing proudly on her face, she exited the house at my side. Leaving light creeks on the boards of wood that smothered the doorway. As we creeped off the premises, I calculated possible places for us to hide and found a town a few miles away. It's small and barely anyone knows where it is; it is to my belief that this is the best place.
   We were soon in the streets and she was looking down several side roads.
   "Hey, uh, James. You're smart... So why don't you find us somewhere to hide?"
   "I have marked the small town of Slateton on my GPS mapping software. We can stay there in the small motel they have." The look she gave me told a different story from what she said in response.
    "Yeah. Sounds great... How do we get there?" With the gesture of my hand, she was guided down a small road with me by her side. We moved with light, quick steps, trying to leave as little as possible imprints on the rocky surface. He could track them, and hunt us like dogs.

   I knew she hated the silence between us as well stalked through the night hours, so I spoke.
   "... Why does your father beat you?" Her sideways glance told me to not push the subject, so I didn't.
   "I'm sorry."
   "No. It's fine. I just don't know the answer to that question myself... Maybe it has something to do with my mother?"
   "Your mother. Where is she? I don't believe I saw her..." She gave a weak smile and let it fade when she spoke.
   "She... Died. I don't know how, but I think it's really destroyed my father. He doesn't talk about it, or have pictures of her up in the house. I've always wished I knew what she looked like..." I looked at the rocky ground and kept it at that.

    Then she asked a simple question.

   "Do you remember anything from your original life?"
   "What do mean by, original life?"
   "When you were James. Do you remember anything?" I searched through all my saved data and found no traces from his life.
   "No. I don't know anything about James." She then stopped walking and faced me head on.
   "Then what about the spirits you saw? You saw me and another boy! That boy was you! You have to have some memory of me!" As she screamed in my face, tears flooded her eyes and collected under her chin. Leaving wet trails on her cheeks, and droplets on the ground in front of her. I remained silent until she fell to the ground and curled up in a ball.
   "I'm sorry, but I don't know who you are. I was told of you, but nothing he said matches what I've seen in you so far." She wiped her face and spoke with her choked and broken voice.
   "What did my father tell you?"
   "That you were a wicked being who brings nothing but grief and annoyance. You have no purpose anymore, and that I should dispose of you." I could tell that she was analysing my words and highlighted a few that caught her interest.
   "My purpose? Dispose of me? Did he give you anymore information about these points of interest?"
   "He wanted me to kill you. But I don't know what you're purpose is." She got up off the ground and dusted off her pants, and yawned. She rubbed her eyes and continued to walk. I followed close behind, and soon she staggered a bit. Clearly drained of all energy, that she ignored until now.
   She then leaned forward and almost fell, if I had not grabbed her hand and yank her into my chest. The cold steel jolting her awake.
   "I'm awake!" She started to walk again and yawned. "Sort of at least... How much longer till we get there?"
   "A few hours."
   "Are you serious? I can't make it. Can we sleep here?" I rolled my eyes and looked at her. I then picked her up and let her slump over my shoulder. She then proceeded to bang on my shoulder plates and complain about the uncomfortableness I was providing. I just kept a smug look on my face and kept going. She'll get tired anyway.

   And I was correct. After thirty six minutes passed she stopped and I didn't hear any noises come from her mouth. So I repositioned her in my arms, holding her horizontal with my two appendages supporting her. When I got her there, I could easily jog and sprint without causing serious damage to any part of her. With this increase in speed we arrived at our destination sooner then first predicted. I looked for a motel or inn, or really any place we could stay. I didn't see any buildings, until a faded sign caught my eye. It said, Jade's Motel; open vacancy. The sign was posted in front of a small town house with pretty potted windows and a welcoming feel. I stepped up on the rickety porch and knocked on the door. I stood there for a mere second, until it swung open to reveal a welcoming smile of a middle aged woman. She had curly ginger hair and beautiful hazel eyes.
   "Hello, welcome to Jade's Mo-" She glanced at my arms and backed up with a gasp. She then pulled me inside and locked the door with six different locks. She glanced out the window in the door, before closing the tiny curtains over it.
    "What are you doing here?!" I looked at her taken aback. What was going on?
   "What are you doing here with, her!" I looked at Amy confused.
   "Do you know her?" The woman looked at Amy sadly and nodded sweetly.
   "A mother never forgets her child..."

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