Chapter Four

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    I became out raged by this.
   "Why would you leave your daughter with a mad man?! She could of died!" She then sighed and motioned me into the living area, taking a seat in a small chair. I laid Amy on the couch and stood, pacing around the room.
   "... I... I wanted to be with her, but after I conceived her he tried to burn me alive. He burned our house down and ran off with her, I barely made it out alive." She pulled up her Sunday dress to show horrible burn scars. "I had to disappear. If he knew I lived, he would of finished off the job and continued with his horrible plan. I don't know what I saw in him before, but now I see a selfish man who cheats his way to the top." Her eyes focused on the unconscious body of her daughter, tears ready to fall on her already red cheeks. I leaned on the wall and looked at Amy as well, wondering what she'll say when she finds out about this information.
   "You can put her in the guest room... She looks so exhausted." As I scooped her into my arms she spoke again. "Come back out here once you're done, I have some questions for you." I nodded and walked down the front hall to a room with the letter 'G' and the rest of the word 'Guest' is just faded imprints on the wooden door. I gently pushed the door open and laid her on the bed. She stirred on the bed and got in a comfortable position, making a little moan as she did it. I slowly left the room, making very little creaks on the floor boards. I then left the door open a crack and sat on the couch across from who I assume is Jade, or better yet Amy's mother.
   "How do you know her?" Her voice was lowered and she leaned in to speak to me.
   "I... I was created by her father. I was ordered to 'dispose' of her and aid him. But it would go against my programing to harm any being, other then droids like myself." She hummed and searched for another answer.
   "So, you disobeyed your creator and ran off with her? He doesn't know you left, right? If he comes here, it could be dangerous for everyone... He'd dismantle you, kill both me and Amy, and go on like nothing happened!" Her fears really left a scar deeper then those that plagued her body. I put my hand on her hers, which were shaking violently on her lap. Giving her reassurance that this won't happen.
   "I won't let that man harm your family anymore-" As I spoke there was a bang and thud that came from the front door. We both sat in silence, until Jade stood and looked out the door. I knew that everything was fine, when she opened the door with a sigh of relief. She soon appeared back in the room with a newspaper rolled up in her hands.
   She then looked at the first page and bit her lip nervously.
   "Doctor Dean Craig has been reported missing. No leads found... That makes two Craigs to go missing."
   "Who's Doctor Craig?" Jade sat down and looked at her hands, then up to me.
   "A brilliant scientist, who made incredible discoveries. He even designed the first advanced Android model! But, now he's gone. Like his son a few months ago. I feel so bad for Mrs. Craig, caught in all of this..."
   "Did you know the Craigs?"
   "Oh, yes. Dr. Craig worked with my husband, and his son was really sweet. Kindest boy alive, just like his mother." She smiled and looked at a picture hanging on the wall. She stood and pulled it off the wall to  show me.
   "This here is Alice," she tapped the people contained behind the glass. "And her husband Dean is next to her, and right here between them is their only son. Jimmy... No. Wait, Jamie? That doesn't sound right either." She sighs with frustration and closes her eyes shut. "It'll come to me..."

   "Don't you mean James?" We both turned to see Amy standing in the doorway. Jade stood and looked at her in surprise.
  "You-You're awake. How long have you been there?"
  "Long enough to know you forgot Dr. Dean's son... Like everyone. But at least he's here." Amy touched my shoulder plate and smiled shyly to her mother- who she doesn't know as her mother, or at all in fact.
   Jade gasped and clasped my face between her hands and looked deep into my eyes. She pulled away and her breaths became erratic and irregular; she was hyperventilating.
   I stepped back and looked at her as she frantically glanced at her surroundings with a hand pushing on her chest. Amy then went to her side and helped her side down, trying her best to calm her.
   "It's okay, what's wrong? What can I do to help?"
   "Pills! Pills!" Amy looked at me confused, then pushed me away panicked.
   "Go find them! I'll stay here with her, move it!"

   I left the living area and wandered down the hall with absolute urgency. I pushed open her bedroom door and looked on her night table and glanced over her shelves and other storage spaces. No sign of medical equipment or even medications anywhere, so I left and searched through the bathroom. To my luck, I found them and rushed back to the living room. I tossed them to Amy- who missed them and had to retrieve them from the carpeted floor. She opened the bottle's cap and popped a single pill in Jade's mouth, who swallowed it and slowly relaxed.
    "Sorry if I scared you. I, uh, have PTSD. It hits me from time to time... That's why I take these." She looked at the bottle in Amy's hands. Amy was looking at the labels on it and handed them over to her.
   "I'm glad we were able to help. Also, thank you for letting us stay here. It is really appreciated."
   "That's what I do. Ah! Where are my manners? My name is Jade-" She opened her mouth about to say something else, but stopped there. "Just Jade."
    "Beautiful name." Amy grabbed her by the hand and shook it firmly. "I'm Amy and this is my... Friend... James."
    "Friends? I thought you said I was your-" Amy cut me off and gave me a saddened glance.
     "You're not my James. You never will be him... He's gone. Probably forever. I didn't even get to say goodbye... Or I love you... Or tell him how much he meant to me before he became the pile of scrap you are!" With every word, emotions of anger sadness and regret was pushed onto me. But the worst part was the pain. The pain that clouded over her eyes and pushed the tears down her sunken cheeks.

   And the weirdest part was how my body reacted. I felt a pressure push on my chest and something cool fall down my cold steel face. I looked down and caught a tear drop in one of my hands, I then touched my slender face and smeared the water across it.
   "What... Is happening to me?"

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