Flashback's​ part three (Astrid's​ POV)

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Fishlegs have us a book

Hiccup and the little girl were sitting in the clubhouse surrounded by books.
"This one! Daddy! Read me this one!" The little girl said.
"Ok princess. Deadly Natter, tracker class, fire type, magnesium, spine shot, enhanced speed, prehinse tail, and an incredible sense of smell." Hiccup started.

I walked in.

"Attack 10 , speed 8, armour 16, firepower 18, shot limit 6, venom 16,  jaw strength 5, stealth 10.Well known for its poisonous and painful spines, and extremely hot fire that can melt metal or rock easily.Deadly Natters can suddenly raise the hundreds of sharp spines that stud their hides and tails and fling them with incredible accuracy. But when the shooting starts, there is no safer place to be than face-to-face with a Natter - If you stand right in front of his nose, a Natter won't be able to see you. A vain and aggressive spine-shooting Tracker Class Dragon. A keen sense of smell makes up for a blind spot right in front of its nose. The Deadly Natter attacks from a distance, always staying just out of reach while launching fireballs at opponents." I said folding my arms across my chest.

"Geez Ash, did you memorize Stormfly's entire description?" Hiccup asked sarcasticly.

"Yep. I have a Natter, don't I?" I asked popping the p.

He blinked as the girl laughed.
"Daddy! Mommy beat you at dragon knowledge!" She laughed.

Hiccup's mouth fell open when he realized it.

"Hang on! Hang on!" He said standing up.
He walked over to me.

"M'lady, what makes you think you can walk in here and take my place?" He asked teasingly.

I smirked and grabbed his armour, pulling him into me. I kissed him. Before he could kiss back, I pulled away.

He blinked, confused.

"That. Oh, Z.., Scarlett wants to play!" I called leaving the clubhouse.

Z was laughing so hard she doubled over.

"What's so funny Missy?" Hiccup asked tickling her.

She screamed in laughter. Hiccup laughed as she squirmed out from under him.

"I'm gonna go play with Scarlett, I love you daddy." She said kissing Hiccup's cheek.
"Love you to Z.." He said.

I sat up, sweating. Hiccup did the same.

"Ok... I think that's enough..." Gobber said.

We nodded. Everyone went back to their huts.

Hiccup stood and helped me up.

"Hey Hiccup..." I stared.
"Ash..." He said at the same time.
"Can I sleep with you tonight?" We both asked.

We blinked.
"Looks like that's a yes." I said.

He smiled and lead me to his hut
Stormfly and Toothless fell asleep downstairs when we go to there.

Hiccup went to his drawer​ and grabbed a shirt. He tossed it to me.

"Here. You can sleep in that." He said taking off his armour

"Thanks."I said.

He put up his armour and retreated down stairs.

I quickly changed into his shirt. It was a longer red version of his old green one that he used to wear. I undid my braid and braided my hair agian into a sleeping braid.

He came back up stairs. He smirked and sat down on his bed.

"I think that's the closest thing you will ever wear to a dress." He said arching a brow.

I blushed and looked down. The shirt went an inch below my waist, that was it.

"Shut up Haddock." I said blushing harder sitting down next to him.

He laughed and turned to face me. I smiled.

"So...We really were a couple...And that girl Z's parents..." He said rubbing the back of his neck.

"Yeah...We were..." I said.

If we remember, why can't we be like that?!? I thought sadly.

"Ya know...It's a good thing we remember that we were dating...Now it's less awkward." He said sitting closer to me.

"It was awkward?" I asked.

"F-for me!" He said.

I tried not to get mad.
"Why?" I asked.

I could tell the hurt in my voice showed.

"B-because... I... H-how are you feeling?" He asked changing the subject suddenly.

I sighed.
"I'm fine Hiccup, really, you can stop worrying about me." I said.

"Well I never stop worrying about you." He said.

I blinked.

(Hiccup's POV)
Now Hiccup, do it now. I thought.
"That's just the way it is." I said.

She smirked.
"Yeah...That goes for me to." She siad.

We looked at each other for five minutes in scilence. She sighed and stood up. I grabbed her wrist and stood, turning her to face me.

"It's a good thing I don't feel awkward now." I said.

"Why? Why did you feel awkward?!?" She asked tearing up.

"Because, I didn't know if I could do this." I said kissing her.

I felt her stiffen, she slowly kissed back. We pulled away, she had tears falling from her eyes.

"Hiccup..." She said quietly wrapping her hands around my neck.

I felt my heart pounding.

Stay clam, stay calm.
But she's clearly fine with it...
No! Stay calm!
But I'm so close..
No! Calm, clam cal-
SCREW CALMNESS! I debated in my head before kissing her agian.

This time she kissed back automatically. After pulling away, seventeen minutes later, we went to bed. I wrapped my arms around as she snuggled into my chest.

"I love you Astird." I whisper as the sun sank behind the sea.

"I love you​ to." She said falling asleep as total darkness covered the edge.

I sighed happily, falling asleep with Astird Fearless Hofferson, in my arms.

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