Leopolda and Daishi.

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(Leopolda's POV)
"Next is Leopolda Unhinged!" Uncle Hiccup announced.

I took a deep breath and walked into the ring. Gothi took my wrist. She pointed to cage on the side Zoè's dragon came from.
"Zoè, meet your dragon. The Gronkle." Gobber said as the door closed.

We opened the cage and a Gronkle flew out. I laughed.
"Easy." I muttered.

I always wanted a Gronkle. So, I brought some grass with me today. It flew up to me and I held the grass to it's nose. It stopped and her eyes went large.
"Hi! You seem nice." I said.

She landed and stared at me.
"I won't hurt you. I promise." I said holding out my hand.
She nuzzled it. Everyone cheered.
"Leopolda Unhinged and her Gronkle!" Gobber said.
"I'm naming you... Seasalt." I said as we exited the ring.
(Dachi's​ POV)

"Next up, Daichi Jorgensen

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"Next up, Daichi Jorgensen." Uncle Hiccup said.
Mom was talking to Basia. Dad grabbed me roughly by the shoulders and turned me to face him.
"Listen, you get out there and train a dragon that no one has ever trained before. Like your sister did. If she's that young and she trained a Snapptrapper, you need to train a Rumblehorn or higher. No Monsters Nightmare, No natter, no Thunderdrum. Are we clear?" He asked.
"Yes dad.."
"Good. Now go train that Dragon." He said

I sighed and walked out.
"Good luck Daichi." Zoè said scratching Scarlett's chin
"Thanks." I said as I entered the ring.

Everyone cheered. I looked at Uncle Hiccup. We was looking down at me, smiling proudly​. He treats all of is equal. Except Zoè, Ella, and Raelyn. He's really protective about them.

I approched Gothi and she took my wrist. She turned to the middle doors. From the corner of my eye, I saw Dad arch a brow.
Please at least be a Rumblehorn...I prayed.

I saw Uncle Hiccup arch a brow, but he didn't say anything.
"Daichi Jorgensen, meet your potential dragon..." Gobber began as Gothi left the arena, closing the door.
"The Thunderdrum." He said pulling a lever.

The doors opened and a Thunderdrum came bursting out.
"Whoa!" I gasped rolling out the way.

It opened its mouth and I grabbed a shield.
"EVERYONE! COVER YOUR EARS NOW!" Uncle Hiccup ordered.

Everyone did and I placed the sheild infront of me. It shot roared. Everyone screamed, the deafening sound getting to them.
"STOP!!!" I screamed over he noise.

The thundedrum stopped and glared at me. Everyone​ started whispering but I ignored them. I stood with my sheild and walked towards the dragon. It growled, and I threw the sheild to the side. It stopped.  I took a deep breath and held out my hand. It hesitated and everyone held there breath. I saw mom hugging Basia and Wera, tears in her eyes while dad hugged her. Scowling. I looked at the others. They looked worried. Zoè had tears in her eyes. The Thunderdrum walked towards me. I didn't move. He placed his head in my hand and everyone cheered.
"That was amazing! Daichi​ Jorgensen and his new dragon the Thunderdrum!" Gobber announced.

I looked at Uncle Hiccup. He was cheering crazily. So was everyone else. Dad was clapping slow, that's it.

I walked back to the door with my new Dragon​.
"I'm going to name you Jake." I said.
It roared in approval.
But Thunderdrums are deaf... Right? I asked myself.

I entered the room and mom, Basia and Wera crushed me with hugs.
Dad hugged me separately.
"We will talk later." He said in a low voice.

I gulped with worry.

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