The trade. (Hiccup and Astrid's POV)

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(Hiccup's POV)
We were all at the clubhouse, waiting for Astrid to return. We checked her old hut, nothing. Her stuff was still in my hut, and she wasn't at the mountain with her dragons.

"UGH! Where is she?!?" Heather complained throwing her hands up in the air with defeat.
"I don't know Heather. If I could, Stormfly would land in front of the door right now!" I said.

Toothless bounded outside.
"Not now bud."

More roaring.
"I said not now!"
I ducked as a natter spine flew above my head.
"Stormfly!" We celebrated.

We ran outside, but something was wrong. Stormfly was flapping her wings and Toothless became worried.
Then I noticed it

"Stormfly? Wheres Astird?" I asked.
She roared but I didn't understand.

Suddenly, a bunch of dragons flew by.
"That's Flystorm! She's part of Astrid's dragon group!" Snoutlout said.

Stormfly flew up to them.
"Viggo! Viggo has Astrid!" I said realizing what was going on.

We jumped on our dragons and we flew off. Stormfly was in the lead.
This time, your not getting away Viggo.

(Astrid's POV)
I woke up groggily and sat up. I noticed I was in a small but comfterbal room with a soft bed.

"I told you your room wasn't ready." A voice said.
"Ah, my dear, you took quite a fall. How are you feeling?"
"Really? After all of your attempts to kill me, now you care if I fall? What about all those cuts and stabs? You didn't care then. So why care now?"

He blinked. But he laughed afterwards​.
"Because, you are my guest. And I treat guest kindly."
"I'm sure the dragons aboard this ship begs to differ."
"They are prisoners. You are a guest. Are you hungry? Lunch is ready." He said standing from a chair.
"I gusse I could eat." I said standing.

I followed him from corridor to corridor. We came into a lounge with a huge amount of food. I blinked. Their was more food than their was the other night on Berk.
"Please, come, sit and relax." Viggo said leading me to the table.

"So, how are you feeling?"
"I'm fine... And you?"
"Very well, Thank you. I must thank you for destroying​ my brother, less brawn more brain. Well, now with you, we have brains, brawn and dragons."
"Excuse me?"
"You, dragons and the pretty little brain of yours with your strength, we can win this battel, once and for all."
"Last time I checked, we were on different sides."

He laughed.
"My dear.... You should eat first, we have alot to discuss."

I picked up some chicken that a hunter placed in front of me. I bit in to it and my eyesight went fuzzy. I stood and tripped over my chair. Viggo stood, laughing.
"Are you ready for your first task?"

I noticed I was ready to say yes, but no matter how hard I fought, I said:
"Yes master."

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