What? ( Hiccup's POV)

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Warning! Warning! Present day. Except a one hundred percent chance in time skip. Weather: cloudy. Proceed with caution. You have been warned.

"What?" I asked
"Astrid.is.gone.because.of.you." Heather said through her teeth.
"No. Y-your joking. ASTRID?" I called.
"Hiccup Haddock, listen to Survivalist Heather, Miss Astrid is gone!" Mala said.

"No..." I whispered.

(Time skip...)
It's been two years since Astrid left. Mala had left for the edge and my dad for Berk. But they left Throk and Gobber, promising that if they heard anything on Astrid, they would inform us. 
But that happened a year ago. Seeing Throk didn't have a dragon, we had to get him one.
A Sand Wrathe. He called him Sunblaze. He learned pretty quickly.

Today we were just relaxing while Throk and Dauger were on patrol.  Everyone was talking and laughing. I was studying a map with Toothless, trying to decide where Astrid would be.  Heather came up behind me.

"Hiccup... I know you miss her... A-and I do to... But maybe...It's time to move on. And accept that she's never coming back." She said.

I turned to face her.
"No! She's... She's alive and out there. Somewhere. She..." I started

Heather hugged me.

"Hiccup. I want to believe all  of that to. But what proof do we have?" She asked.

I felt her tears falling onto my shoulder pads. I slowly hugged her back.


Dauger and Throk called running into the clubhouse.

"What? What is it?!?" I asked.
"It's Viggo." Dauger said.

I gasped and ran to Toothless while everyone else did to their dragons.

"Diamond formation Gang." I said.

Everyone did that.

"Ready to fire!" I said.

All dragons got ready to fire.

"Hiccup! Wait!" Throk said.

We stopped.
"What?" I asked.
"White flag." He said pointing at the ship.

I turned. Viggo was on deck, waving the white flag.

"Be ready." I told everyone.

We landed in the ship. We dismounted our dragons and Viggo came up to us.

"Hiccup! My dear boy. It's so nice to see you!" He said.

"What do you want Viggo? You already have the dragon eye." I said.

"Peace be between us while you are aboard my ship invited. Where is Astrid?" He asked.

"We don't know. She's been gone for two years." I said.
"Very well. I do hope shes well. I have a favor to ask." He said.

"Why would we help you?" Heather asked.

"Because, my dragons are being captured agian by a rouge dragon rider. Not only dose she put business down to the bottom line, she may come after your dragons." He said.

"She?!?" We asked.
"Yes. She. Please, find this rouge dragon rider. Not just for my sake, but for the sake of your dragons." He said.

I sighed.

"Fine. What dose she look like?" I asked.

" I have absolutely no idea. But, I can tell you what she wears." He said.

We nodded.

"She wears black skin tight armour, identical to the ones that the people of the Wing wear. Except, the pices of fabric are held together by ight rods of silver. She is completely covered. She has a black mask with silver designs on it." He said

"Got it. Thank you, Viggo." I said mounting Toothless .

We took off, to the edge. We stopped at a island to water the dragons. The bushes rustled and the dragons turned snarling.

"What is it bud?" I asked Toothless.

A changewing suddenly jumped out at us.

"Get to your dragons!"I said.

Everyone mounted their dragons, but Toothless had other ideas. He lunged at the Changewing, snarling at him

"TOOTHLESS NO!" I screamed.

The others got ready to fire. Suddenly, Natter spikes flew in front of Toothless. A blue and yellow natter landed in front of him, and the rouge dragon dismounted it.

The Changewing roared at the girl. She revealed a axe and threw it to the side. The Changewing lowered it's gaurd bit. The girl stepped closer it snarled agian.

"Rrrrrnnnrrreer." The girl said.

The Changewing. Stopped. She held out her hand and it pressed it's snout agianst it. It then pulled away and she dropped to her knees and it circled her, nudging her. She stood and scratched its ears.

We stared in amazement. Her back was turned to us the entire time. She did some weird signals and Titan wing Monsters Nightmare landed next to her. She did more hand signals and they flew into a huge group of dragons circling above. She retrieved her axe and the natter nudged her. She laughed.

Toothless got excited suddenly and tried to run up to the natter, but I held him back.

I looked at the natter closely.

"Stormfly?" I asked.

The natters head snapped up and she looked at me. She got excited. The girl restrained Stormfly and got her to calm down.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa! Who are you?!?" I asked getting mad.

"And why do you have my friends dragon?!?" Heather asked walking up to me.

The girl stared at us and did some crazy hand signals. Stormfly tool to the sky. The rouge backflipped and her foot caught the stirup. She grabbed the knot of the saddle and stared down at us as Stormfly flew away. She moved her foot and flipped onto the saddle zooming away, all thousands of dragons followed her.

"Come on! We need to get Stormfly!" I said.

We flew after the rouge.

We landed at a huge mountain. They flew inside. But nothing, no matter how many dragons I faced, would have prepared me for this.

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