The stay. ( Hiccup and Astrid's POV)

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(Hiccup's POV)
We were all sitting in the makeshift kitchen while Astrid cooked. She heard a scratch at the makeshift door and opened it wide. All of the dragons came zooming by. Our dragons came out to and ran to lay down behind us.

"Where'd you go bud?" I asked as he closed his eyes.

"They probably followed Stormfly and the other dragons to their privet feeding grounds in the mountain." Astrid said pulling some meat off of the fire.

She quickly put it in front of us and served us water. She sat down next to me and started eating.

We all looked at each other. Unsure of what to do.

"Um, Astrid? Is this safe?" Snoutlout asked pocking at the meat.

"Yeah." She said drinking some water.

"You weren't that good at cooking when were kids." Fishlegs said nervously.

"Things.change." she said through her teeth.

"Man up and eat it! I'm hungry!" Throk and Tuffnut said eating it.

We stared at them. Their eyes went wide and they stared at it.

"AWESOME!" They said eating it agian

I tried some. It was awesome. I quickly ate it all.

I heard Astird laughing as we all ate.

"Slow down! You'll choke!" She said holding her sides.

"Astrid, what were those?!?" Heather asked excitedly taking another.

"Hey!" We complained.

Astrid laughed.
"They are called pork chops.I have more. Their on the fire."she said standing.

As she walked to the fire, her hand brushed agianst mine. Instinctively, I grabbed it. She stopped and looked at me, blushing. I blushed to, realizing that we haven't see each other in two years, going in three. I let go. She turned away and went to the fore. Heather noticed and gave me a look of sympathy.

Astrid returned with more pork chops. And something else. It was yellow and long.

"Here you go." She said placing the two plates in the middle.

Everyone went for the pork chops, a few of us, including Dauger, took the yellow thing. Astrid was devouring it like it was her only thing she would have to eat for the next week.

I tried it and gasped.

"This is awesome!" I said taking another bite.

Everyone else tried it and ate it just as fast as they did with the pork chops.

"What was that?!?" Dauger asked.
"Corn." Astrid said simply.

We nodded and ate more. I noticed how no one was asking her where she's been, where the dragons came from,and why she never came back. But I left it alone. I heard a little scratch on the door. Astrid chuckled and rolled her eyes. She opened it and and medium sized teenaged natter ran in.

" Hey Scarlett!" She said hugging the natter.

"Scarlett?!?" We asked.

Scarlett looked up and ran to me,nudging me.

"Yep. If she's late, than that means that she didn't get food." Astrid said throwing her three fish. Scarlett quickly swiped them up and ran away.

Astrid laughed an washed her hands.

"Well, let's get you guys to your rooms. Come on Stormfly!" She said.

We followed her.

Ruffnut and Heather were sharing a room, Dauger and Throk, And the rest of the boys.

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