Chapter 1: The Interview

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A/N: I really wanted to post the first chapter so that you all can have an idea about the story. So here it is. I won't be posting the second chapter anytime soon though so please corporate!

Cover credits to : amazingstar123
Thank you so much for such a nice cover! Really appreciate it ❤️

Valerie's POV

I woke up to the sounds of the birds chirping and the bright sun smiling at me. I walked to the balcony in my room, and stared at the amazing view. Birds flying and chirping, five year olds riding their bikes and the old couple, my favourite neighbours to be exact, sitting and having a tea time in their front yard.

Now, you all must be thinking that I am, one of those girls, who are like really cliche. Sorry to burst you bubble, but I kind of am different.

Now again. You must be thinking that this is what every girl says. But in the end, they turn out to be the same girl that they denied being.

Trust me. When I say I am not the type of girl you think I am, I'm not lying.

And you'll get the proof, in a while. You just have to wait a bit.

The day went as usual. We were done with school and by that I mean we were finally graduated and now it was time to enjoy summer. I am a 19 year old girl, most girls my age like to party or go on vacations or just enjoy their summer breaks but me. Nope. I am sitting in my room with a bunch of flyers and going through them to find myself a part-time job. No guys, I'm not poor or I don't have a cruel family who starves me to death which is why I have to earn for myself.

I have a very loving and caring family. My father, Kendall Monroe, is one of the most successful lawyer in town and my mother, Veronica Monroe is well a very famous neurosurgeon. I have two younger brother's. They're twins and they're 15 now. We live in a mansion and have lots of servants at our service. But I honestly think that this is not what I deserve. This is all because of my parents and I don't want to live a lavish life. I wanna earn for myself. I don't want my father to give me money. So yeah.. I finally looked through the flyers and found the perfect job for myself. Well it is perfect for me.
I quickly changed into a a pair of jeans and a simple white cropped top. I quickly did a bit of makeup. I wore my converse, grabbed my bag and headed outside.

(Below is a picture of her dress)

I decided to walk to my destination as it was a nice sunny day

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I decided to walk to my destination as it was a nice sunny day. I like summers.
It took me a while to get there. When I finally did I went to the guard
standing outside and told him that I'm here for an interview.
He led me inside and asked me to sit in the waiting area.
Soon a man, probably in his early thirties, came out.
"Oh. I dint expect a girl" he said eyeing me.
"Hi. Can we just get over with the interview?" I asked rather rudely.
If this man thinks I'm not fit for the job then he's definitely wrong.
"Yes. Follow me" he said and started walking towards the door he came from. I stood up and followed him.
We entered the room and he asked me to sit.
We both sat down and the interview started. He asked me the general questions like my name, age, school, and my activities. I told him everything. We spoke for about 20 minutes. He asked me about my interests and what led me to the job and I honestly answered him saying I am a great stalker and I'll gather information in no time. He just laughed and shook his head mumbling something.

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