Chapter 2: Never mess with a girl

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After knowing I got hired, I was literally on the ninth cloud. I quickly ran down to the living room where my dad was and started jumping in front of him in excitement.
I stopped and saw him looking at me sternly. I bet he was debating on whether to send me to the mental asylum or not.
"No dad, Im not mad" I tell him and he relaxes.
"Why are you jumping up and down like that?" He asks.
"Because daddy, I GOT THE JOB!!!" I yell and started jumping again.
"Well that's a great news!!" He says and stands up and pulls me into a hug. A moment later mom joins us. She heard me yelling and she decided to join.
"Where's Seb and Ben?" I ask her.
"They're both locked in their room. I have taken all the electronic out and the tv too, Kendall" Mom tells him and he nods. A sudden realization hit me.
"Mom" I speak.
"Yes dear?" She looks at me with concern.
"You do know that the ladder we keep outside is attached to their room's window right?" I ask her and she looks at me with wide eyes.
"Oh no they didn't!" She yells and run upstair. Dad and I follow her and Mom quickly unlocks the door and none of them are in the room. Oh well. My bad. They're in trouble AGAIN.

We were sitting in the living room waiting for them to return. It was past midnight so we knew they'll assume we're sleeping and come inside from the front door itself. Just in case they come from the window in their room, Mom left Gina in their room. Gina is my pet dog. She's really cute. White and fluffy. She doesn't like Seb or Ben so if they show up she'll start barking. The lights of the living room were off too so that they don't get to know we're here.
At around 3 a.m we heard the front door unlock. We hear a few steps and dad switches on the lights as soon as they come in view.

"Sebastian and Benjamin! How could you guys do this? I asked you both to stay in your room." Mom speaks breaking the silence. Dad was just staring at them. If looks could kill, they'd be ten feet below the ground.

"We'll talk about this in morning" Dad says in disappointment and walks to his bedroom. Mom follows him.
"You know guys.. You should stop being like this. Dad is so disappointed. Why do you guys do this kind of stuff" I ask them.
I wait for them to answer me but both stay silent.
"Guys.. whats wrong?" I ask. Still no answer.
"Ben?" I ask again hoping for an answer.
"You tell me Val. Why is he always so disappointed with us and not you? He puts all the restrictions on us. And look at you, you got the big bedroom and you don't even have a twin to share with. We have so many rooms in this mansion but yet we have to share. We don't like how he treats us so strictly and you with so much love." Ben answers me.
Wow. I am quite shocked.
"Is that what you guys really think?" I ask and they both nod.
"Look guys, stop being pests and he wont be strict with you guys either. And its not like he loves me more than you guys. He loves us all equally. Its just the stunt you pulled up today was quite terrifying. Joking about suiciding is serious. You guys know dad doesn't like pranks related to that topic" I explain them.
"Yeah we're really sorry.. but can you please convince Dad for letting us have our electronics back and unground us?" Seb pleads.
"Sure I will. But for now you're still grounded. Atleast for a day." I tell them. They both nod and head towards their room. I stay there for a while thinking about what Ben said. I really need to talk to dad about it. I headed back upstairs to my room and change into my night dress and flop on the bed. I have to be at work at sharp 10 so I'll obviously have to wake at 9 to get ready.
I woke up at 9:15 and went for a quick shower. It wasn't too far besides I had to take the bus so it wouldn't take that long. I do have my own car but Brandon wants me to take the bus so I will do that. After I was done with the shower, I wrapped the towel around my body and went to my walk in closet. I debated for a while and finally chose an outfit. I pick up a pair of blue jeans and a Ivy Park crop hood. I blow dry my hair and put it in a bun. I apply eyeliner and a bit of mascara. I grab my bag, my phone and changes its cover for today and apply lipstick. I wear my grey sneakers and look at myself once in the mirror before leaving.

 I wear my grey sneakers and look at myself once in the mirror before leaving

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I reach the bus stop at 9:45. I guess I am gonna be late now... I wait for bus number 15. It finally shows up and I enter the bus. The driver asks my destination and I tell him and give him the money.
There were a few boys in the bus and just another girl and me. I took the seat beside the girl. She looked quite scared so I decided to ask her whats wrong.
"Hi! My name is Valerie" I speak and put my hand front for a handshake.
She shrugs and then shakes my hand.
"Your name?" I ask her.
"Gina" she tells me.
"Heyy! Gina is my dog's name!" I say rather loudly. She just stared at me like I said something wrong. And then I realized I shouldn't have said that. I mentally slap myself.
The guy sitting behind Gina pinched her arm. I hear her wince but she doesn't say anything to him.
He did it for like 5 times and then I lost it.
"Hey you! Stop pinching her!!" I shout as I stand up and turn around to face the guy. Gina suddenly stands as well as the boy.
"No I wont" he says and pinches her again.
"Don't you dare to that again!!" I yell at him and give him that glare my dad gives Seb and Ben to scare them.
"Or what?" He asks and pinches her again.
"I'm not gonna say anything now" I tell him.
"Already scared?" He asks with a smirk on his face. I am so gonna wipe off that smirk from his face.
"No. I'm not gonna say anything now. I'm just gonna show you" I say and pull him from his collar and bring him near me. I instantly punch him on his face and he fells back. The guy who was sitting beside him stood up and grabbed my hand and twisted it. Ah. This is my favourite move. He had twisted one of my hand and just held the other one. His grip was really tight. So I used my legs to free myself. I tangled my leg with his and then kicked his knee from the other leg. I kick was so hard that he lost his balance. But he dint fall and he dint even leave my hand which he twisted. Luckily he did leave my other hand so I shifted my body and face him. The hand he twisted was now twisting his hand. I pushed him hard and he fell on the seat. The first guy again came to attack me but I just kicked him in his family jewel. He winced in pain and fell. Throughout the fight I could hear the driver yelling at us to stop. But obviously we dint. I just glare at them and the driver yells that my destination is here. I grab my bag and phone and give them one last stare before leaving.

They'll always remember now, not to mess with a girl.

A/N: I'm not an expert at writing fighting scenes for a girl so please excuse this one time. Thank you for reading.
Comment please!!

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