Meeting the guy in her dream

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Aliyah's POV

It's already the night of June 14, 2016 and tomorrow will be my first day of school for the next chapter of my life in high school. I am already in the 10th grade and hoping that it will be a great one. Last year, my math teacher hated me, worst is that, I failed his subject so I got stressed about it. I'm good at math, honestly I won math contests in my elementary days but it's just that one day my motto in life "STUDY WELL" changed, and it goes in this way already "ENJOY LIFE".


Author's POV

The leaves are dancing and falling so gently in the air, the wind is whispering smoothly through Aliyah's ears like it's going to say something about someone's destiny. They said if you catch up a leaf falling from a tree, make a wish and it will be granted.

"Wait...Wait...Wait...Ayshttt. I could have catch it!"

"Oh my God, here it is, make a wish, make a wish. I wish I would already find HIM......THAT ONE", whispered Aliyah and prayed for that moment with closed eyes to show sincerity.

As she open her eyes, with her chin up, the rays of the sun shine brightly through her eyes filled with Hope, a song has been played all around, and everything was moving so slow then slowly everyone around her was disappearing. The wish was granted, and everything went into place, a Tall guy in white shirt is standing in front of her and every breath. Move and step counts.

"In just 3 steps I could barely see his face already", she said through her mind.

"One, Two...."






"KRRRRRNNGGGGG!!!!" the clock rang so irritably.

"Hayssttt!!!!, Aliyah kicked the clock but picked it up as fast as she can because it's the only memory left she had with her mother.

" Oh, Oh, oh my God, I didn't meant it, it's just why didn't I saw his face. Its only once a year that my dream is that beautiful, its all that tragic and nothing else.", Aliyah chattered with the clock.

"I think I should go back to sleep,huh,", she said excitedly and closed her eyes.

"WASSSHHIIIINGGG!!!", the sound of the swords played in the air.

"Aliyah watch out" someone shouted and an arrow is approaching, weapons are clinging and she thought its gonna be her end, but someone suddenly pushed her to avoid it.

"Are you okay?",the undetermined guy said with a cool voice.

The sunlight shine through his face."Is he the One that I waited for so long?", she uttered.

The clouds blocked the warmth rays of the sun then suddenly his face appeared.

"AAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!...STAY AWAY FROM ME, YOU PUNK!", through her very best she shouted then slapped the ogre's face and pushed him away with her might.

She ran as fast as she can but she slipped on a mud and found herself in the room again but already in the floor.

" I should have not came back to sleep, Is this a good start?", she said while still lying on the floor.

"Are you done?" , her older brother knocked on her door.

"What?", she stand up quickly, and she looked at the clock and its already 7:10 am and her class will be starting at 7:30.

She open her closet, pulled her uniform hanging on it, and dressed it like she's racing a car without taking a bath.


"My body stinks!!! Aggghhh...Like duh, its my first day on grade 10, then this fishy smell welcomed me?", she said annoyingly in her mind.

" Aliyah hurry up, we're already late, there's even something on your face", Scoups , her older brother said with concern.


"What? It's already time", he said while walking so fast.

"Just wait........This place is so familiar, I think I have seen it somewhere before?" , she murmured while her brother was far insight already.

" Oh myghadd...this is my dream, the leaves, the wind, the path, gosh how didn't I notice this place, it's been 3 years that I'm here."

Everything was moving slowly again, they were disappearing, a unique leaf was falling in front of her, her favorite song is playing and she stretched her hand to catch it , just like in her dream, I should let that leaf fall in my hands to take a wish.

"Wait.......wait.......AAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!" she stripped on a rock then she lost her balance, because she really believe on her dream she try her very best to catch it but she accidentally pulled someone's bag because the leaf fall at it.

"What are you doing" the stranger said

As the stranger look at her she avoided it and quickly ran, her heart is going to burst out of embarrassment and she leap so big like giant's steps.


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