Meet Macy

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Macy's POV

Hi. Do you know the feeling of living beyond books? It's just why would others say Music is life but their voices are like dying rats, like what? , books is life. From the very first start I knew how to read, I seek my attention on reading books, and I can't live in a day without reading anything most especially the masterpieces of my favorite writer Mr. Park Sun woo. I've been excited to go to school, because the school's library is the only place with no ugly loud living creatures who interrupts me while reading. But the library is not just only the reason why I want to go but also the purpose to see my best friend again, I really missed him already.

"Mom can we please buy the latest published book of Park Sun woo?", she asked while begging.

"Of course, what's its title again?'

"The Most Precious Thing On Earth", she answered with a full pride. "Sounds good, isn't it? , as the title says , I really have the feeling it would be his best book ever".

"You said so"

"It's true, I've heard that Min Jae would be the lead man and he was described as a tall, cool guy but respects every girl on earth."


"Hi Macy", someone said.

"Oh....My..Ghaddd...",she said happily."I missed you Woozi, it's been a long time"

"Yeah, did you review your lessons?"

"Like what?, it's the first day of school, hello!!"

"But you must still studied our past lessons in Grade 9"

"Myghadd, there are some things important to do than reading my fave books, it's worth the time, you know"

"As always, I've heard that the book you are waiting for so long is being sold already in bookstores".

"Yeah so after class let's buy that book, I'm so excited!, So what are we doing?, let's find some seats to sit to", she said while grabbing his hands.

As they are in their way to their classroom, a group of girls were cheering so loud and it's all because of no one else but a group of boys. It can be heard from afar because a lot of them do that every time those boys passes.

"Mingyu!!!", said someone while smiling.

"Wonu, Jun, Minghao!!!!", said everybody else in the area.

"Wonu is really handsome, isn't he?", asks the girl to her friend in front of Macy. "Yes but Jun is handsome too, Minghao and Mingyu", someone replied.

"Min Jae is cooler and handsome than them, tssskkk, you coconut headed bastards ", she said in herself.

"Macy, let's go, just don't be affected by them"

" Oh then there's that one who chose fame between friends, tskkk , oh Woozi have you heard about it?"

"Macy, stop!", he seriously said.

"It's the truth", she replied in a serious manner.


Vernon has finally seated beside her, while Aliyah tries her best to cover up her face to avoid questioning about what she has done. There's a wide space between their seats while she faces the opposite direction where Vernon sits. Her heart is pounding slowly but she found hope when she saw a vacant seat on the other row, and she slowly get her bag then stand up acting like nothing happened.

"Thank you Lord", she whispered.

She takes her first step, then her second step, then her third step but Vernon cut in.

"Wait", Vernon said.

"Huh?" , her face turned red, and stop for a moment. "No, oh myhgadd,", she said like she's about to cry.

"My Bag", he said in a serious voice.

"What? He saw me a while ago? He did see me?", she said through her mind ." I didn't meant it, it's just....", she said not facing him with full embarrassment.

"Give me back my bag"

Aliyah suddenly asked herself, "Did I get his bag?"

"Why are you holding my bag?" , he said as he stood up.

Aliyah faced him but her head down and looked at the bag she was holding. "Huhhh???", she just realized that it wasn't hers , and she doesn't know what to do for that moment but just stood up in front of him and closed her eyes. Vernon grab his bag then seated without saying anything.

"Sorry, sorry, I'm really sorry", she said and bowed. She look at the vacant seat where she was planning to seat to but someone has seated to it already so she has no choice but to stay beside Vernon for the whole day or even for the whole year.

"Hmmmm.....So what's your name?", she asked while pinching her palm in nervousness.

"I said it a while ago", he said while facing and listening to the teacher talking in front.

"Sh*t, what am I talking about?, he just said it a while ago, Aliyah", she said in her mind. "Oh yeah, ha-ha, Hansol right? ",she laughed fakely.


"ahhhhh, yes, you said a while ago that we'll just call you Vernon, hahaha", she forcedly laughed.

"I don't know all of you, so I think, as a norm, every first day of class, introduce yourself one by one, okay let's start at the girl at the back beside Vernon", the teacher advised .

Aliyah's POV

I really don't like being in a situation where I feel nervous or afraid, like when it's first day of school then you need to introduce yourself one by one again and again for every teacher. I really hate that feeling, it's just I think of it sometimes that it's not even the worth for my heart to beat to or to feel nervous about.

"I am Aliyah Choi and I'm from Daegu, we just move here in Seoul because it is where my grandma lives", she said as she successfully overcome her nervousness while she put his hands over her chest. From the moment she seated, she noticed that Vernon is looking at her but she doesn't like to overthink and assume as if someone like him is looking at her.

"Why would he look at me from the very first point?", she said while smiling then looked at him finally.

But her instinct was right, he really is looking at her. He was staring at her like he knows her fully. But beyond his beautiful brown eyes are pain and questions running through his mind. Everyone is busy introducing their selves but there's a silence in the air between the two.


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