Chapter 10

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Before we start off i want to say a BIG THANKYOU

Over 1,000 reads ahhh!!!!


Katniss pov

Prim is literally forcing me to school! She gives me some clothes and when i look a what they are i nearly scream. A croptop a black one! Listen here im not a croptop fan! I put it on and i believe it shows too much but i know how angry she can get brrrrr scaryyyy!

I put on some denim shorts and black boots. Prim knows i use my beauty base zero natural colours stuff so she did that with a hint of pink lipgloss which i guess is lip colour natural.

Im really nervous though, and you know why i am

....... because of peeta!

I hop into my car leaving prim to go to a teenage game hall which she isnt very keen on.

Few twists and turns and im there. I see my best friends, and they come running and giving me a group hug! Finnick has a open coke can in his hand.

"fin might drop that on me and im not gonna like that" glimmer sqeels!

We all laugh and finnick gets a sugar cube instead " really didnt you have enough sugar in the coke?" i ask and they all crack up again.

I say ill meet them in class as i need to go my lockee but as i arrive i see the guy.. Im not even going to say his name!

Delly and him are making out fiercly and i feel broken and betrayed.

He sees me and uses my surname as he did when we were enimies :" everdeen where have you been? Ooh it rhymes anyway you been off grazing with the cows?" he says and chuckles and im boiling with anger

" oh well atleast im not kissing a pig!" i say and point to delly . Lots of people laughed and i walked my way forward.

Peeta pov

Did i really just say that to katniss? Im getting worse and worse!

But why do i like delly? Im so confuzed. I walk to class and see we have to sing a song for music. Oh fuck!

Everyone has gathered round after a while for the performances . Apparently we have to put the song in our own words oh great! (note the sarcasm)

My turn comes and i just twist the song pretty brown eyes for pretty blue eyes and a few changes. I sit down after girls whistling and i wink at them. After a few songs katniss is on an i have a feeling its a heart breaking song.......i was right

Katniss pov

Im putting a twist on wreaking ball to show him! I strut my way to the stage and see peeta looking guilty. I dont care! I open my mouth about to sing

KATNISS SONG( i did the twist by myself - original song wreaking ball by miley cyrus)

" we glared , we scowled thinking the other is foul.

We hated ..... Never asking whyy?

We kissed i fell under you spell

A love i thought you cant deny

Dot you ever say i was easy prey

I went through the hard way

Now i live a life

Running from your sight

I will always want youuuu

CHOROUS--You played me like some kind of ball

Never thought i saw it all

And every time you faked your love

All you ever do is play-ay-ay-me ye you you play-ay me.

I keep singing i know its not a really good twist but it fits my situation

" i never ment to start a war

I just bumped into you one day

And i guess i should have realised

All you ever do is play

Dont you ever say i was easy prey

I went through the hard way

I sang the chorous and everyone applaused, but suddenly peeta came up to the stage and he he kissed me? I pushed him out of the way calling him a. "player"

I ran deep in the medow under the willow and he this time came after me.

I just cried and pushed him away

" you lied to me!" i roar

" i lied to your sister, i dont know why im feeling things for delly?"

Im angry now " oh mabye cause part of you has been inside her!"

" no cause part of me has been inside your gob!" he screams

I stop , the stupid dare just ruined my perfectly awesome excuse im gonna kill annie. Naaa im not.

"katniss , please listen i was asleep she just did everything i didnt know"

I might have believed him but i just remeber this morning when he was sucking dellys face off.

" and what about this morning?"

" katniss, you saw how i was held down on the locker didnt you?"

They truth is i did, and he didnt use my last name!

" please katniss trust me, give me a chance, i will stay as far away from delly as posibble.... Please i love you!

He just said he loves me and i love him too but should i forgive him?

" ill let you know at the end of the day" i say

He actually kisses me and i kiss him back thinking it could i mean could be the last

All that was on my mind then was " should i forgive him?"


Should she? Comment!! X

The song was random i know!

Love u all got me to 1,000 reads thank you

Special thanks to raywhite012 and onemixx_

For putting amazing comments and making my day with them x

Love you all again!

Forever and always..


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