Dad's Rescue Mission

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I sat down completely silent as she walked out the room. I could hear her talking to someone, his voice was familiar...

I began smiling over the tape placed above my lips. I blushed extremely red. Then I heard footsteps coming towards me.

It was dad. He came for me, he did what those police men couldn't do. Fix the pieces together and save me.

I sat in silence but with a smile. Dad rushed towards me ripping off the tape.

"I thought I'd never see you!" He said as he held me then began taking off the rope. As he freed me, Vanessa walked back in.

"Oh shit! Stop it" She demanded as she pulled out a weapon and pointed it at us. "Get up and put your hands up"
She smiled as we obeyed her.

"So is this what a cop feels like before he kills the victim? Hmm, I like this power" she said smiling.

"So what is it you are going to do with us?" I asked. Dad smiled then agreed.

"Shut up, don't you say anything " she began thinking, then she placed the gun down to answer the phone.
"Hello?" She said then began speaking to him. It was nick.

"Yeah, she's still here" Vanessa said as she pointed the gun back at us guiding us into the bedroom. We followed the direction.

"Her da--" But before she could finish the sentence, Bentley tackled her to the ground. The phone flew across the room toward me. While Dad and her fought for the gun, I grabbed the phone.

I dialed 911 and began talking to the operator as I pant in fear.

911,  what's your emergency?

"HI! IM DOLLINE, IM THE GIRL WHOS BEEN MISSING IVE BEEN KIDNAPPED AND WE NEED POLICE OFFICERS OVER HERE NOW!" I shouted into the phone as my face was burning red and feeling my eyes drowning in tears. I was so scared and I had no idea what to do.

Were tracing your location STAY ON THE LINE.

Dad pistol whipped her to sleep. She was unconscious and he crawled toward me. "Babe, you okay?" He asked as he held me tightly.

I smiled holding my dad with such a sense of relief. I hadn't felt that in awhile. A hug, a kiss, maybe even a smile. I sighed as I looked at him. We hear ambulances and police alarms. As the color blue, red and white lights appear. As the sun began to set. I guess all this was ending, and I was fine with it.

"Can we go home?" I softly say holding a hold on Bentley. He pecked my forehead holding me.

"Yeah let's go" He said as he stood up with me. As we both got on our feet. I smiled as we limped our way outside dragging out.

We got medical attention separately. Then news reporters had arrived on the scene. Nick was in a police car in hand cuffs, as the officers asked me,

"Do you want to charge him?" They asked as they looked at me. Vanessa even was getting arrested.

Vanessa shouting at them to let her go. I bite my lip staring at her.

"Charge him, and her" I say softly. Then I get back into the ambulance, as the nurse begins checking up on me.

"Doll, I'm gonna need you to tell me, if he put his hands on you sexually" The nurse said. I was silent as I looked at my broken nail, "Doll, please"

I nodded answering her question.
"Get a pregnancy test, the product is called first response" she replied as she held me, "You're going to be okay, I promise"

Dad smiled as he came towards us. He held me.
"You okay kid?" He asked. I smiled, "Yeah"

Kyler and Neffy came. They rushed towards us holding us tightly.
"Fuck I was so scared" Kyler shouted holding me. I could see his eyes watering.

"I love you, you know that?" Kyler shouted as he held me. Dad smiled watching the moment. Photographers began snapping photos of us and the scene.

Newscaster walked up to us,

"May we interview you guys?" They asked. They all stared at me, as if they needed my permission.

"It's your story and your decision" Dad said. I smiled,
"Sure why not?" As we all held each other tightly.

We went on air and everyone knew the story of Dolline but what about off the air?

They didn't know the full story.

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