Chapter 7

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Hey turtles. Sorry for the late update I have been busy with my family. 

Byeeeeeee for now xxx thanks for reading xxxx

From Emily xxxxxxxxx


Amy's POV

I woke up to the sound of Josh screaming like a little girl. I rubbed my eyes and sat up adjusting to the light.

"Morning Amy" Jaymi said. I realised it was him who I feel asleep on.

"Morning Jaymi, and fellow crazy people". I said.

"Hey! We are not crazy" gosh said together which just made me burst into a fit of giggles.

"Amy we are gonna go shopping today to get you some new clothes and things for your room" Jaymi said.

"Ok, but you don't have to buy me new stuff, I'm just glad you took me in" I replied.

"We wanna spoil you and your not aloud to say no, and if you do..... I......I will get George to tickle you" Jaymi said with a cheeky look on his face.

Just as I opened my mouth to reply George shouted "tickling someone! I'm in".

"As I don't wish to be tickled I won't object, thank you" I said.

"No probs, no run and get ready so we can ditch these crazy people and head to the shops with Olly" Jaymi said.

"Coolness, bye monkeys" I shouted whilst running out the room to get ready.

I ran into my bathroom and locked the door just in case. I washed my hair and other shower necessities (I don't wanna bore you with them).

After I finished I jumped out and choose to wear some skinny jeans, a top that said coke in red tucked in loosely, a leather jacket and red vans.

I dried my hair and decided to curl it as I had spare time left. I put on some foundation, mascara and eyeshadow and lipgloss and grabbed my bag with my phone, purse and other random things in and went downstairs.

"Amy I need to talk to you before we leave" Jaymi said with a serious face on.

"Ok cool" I replied.

"Well in the shopping centre there may be fans and even paparazzi who will want pictures of you, if you don't want to we can stay here and order things online". Jaymi said.

"Nope. It's fine I don't mind. I understand you are big and I don't mind you taking pictures with fans and I've always to be in a magazine". I replied.

"Ok only if your sure" Olly said but chuckled too.

"You ready to go?" Olly asked.

"Yep". I said popping the P.


We has been in all the shops there and had bought many bags of clothes, shoes and accessories. I can't even count the amount of times I had thanked them and told them they really shouldn't have.

We hadn't been spotted yet and had just arrived at HMV. We were walking around looking at the CD's.

I suddenly spotted the One Direction CD's and ran over to them.

"OMG !!" I said whilst shuffling through them all.

"Guessing your a directioner then" Jaymi said.

"Totally, they are awesome". I said.

"How many CD's do you own?" Olly asked.

"None, I've never had the money to buy them, or any of their merchandise actually". I replied.

Olly and Jaymi looked at each other with a spark in their eyes and I gave them a confused look.

Suddenly they started running around the shop grabbing every 1d thing they could find. CD's, posters, bags, t-shirts. The lot.

I just stood their laughing as they ran around like maniacs. I'm surprised they didn't fall and drop everything!

"Thank you, you guys are the best" I said.

They went and chucked the bags in the car before going to get a coffee in costa.

When we arrived in Costa we ordered our drinks and sat down. 5 minutes later 2 girls came up to us and asked for a picture with Jaymi. He agreed and quickly took the picture.

A few minutes later someone from the Newspaper came and started asking us questions. Jaymi told me not to answer anyone and it was time the leave. That wasn't as easy as we expected. Someone had tweeted and their was loads of fangirls and paparazzi outside the coffee shop.

Jaymi and Olly both grabbed my shoulder and leaded me out of the crowd of people.

"Is it always that crazy?" I asked once we had reached the car.

"Yeah, it is" Jaymi said and then sighed.


Once we arrived home we ordered fish and chips. While we waited I put all my new stuff away and put my posters up on the wall.

The fish and chips arrived and we ate them whilst watching a movie.

Just before I went to bed Olly told me that they were hosting a welcome party for me tomorrow and I had to pick something nice to wear.

I said "Ok, night guys" and went up to bed.

As soon as my head hit the pillow I fell asleep.

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