Training at the academy

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Brooke's Pov

So I was sleeping and I heard the shower but I just went back to sleep, and I had a dream about David and Jamie. David started hurting Jamie cause Jamie said leave her alone. I yelled Jamie's name really loud and he came and tried to calm me name but it didn't work, and then he said that there was pancakes and bacon and I went straight there. It cheered me up a little bit, but not all the way. After I was done eating I put my training outfit. After we got dressed we headed out to the training center. When we got to the center there was a lot of people there.  We walked in and singed in, and I looked around for Jamie but I couldn't see him. I was waiting to see if Jamie would find me but he didn't. He found all of his old friends before he went to LA . They called our class back so I went and I seen Jamie and his friends. I did my daily work for the day and I went to see if Jamie wanted lunch, he said no but whispered in my ear so his friends don't hear him "I will make it up to u later I promise." It was no problem all my classes were done so I headed to chipotle and back to our hotel room. When I got there I seen someone I didn't want tot see right now.

"David what are u doing here" I said a little annoyed at Jamie still. " I needed to see u" He said really nervous.

"ok" I said annoyed and nervous now.  

We got in and we sat down at the table and I went to change while he watched TV and looked around the messy room. I put some sweatpants and one of my middle school football shirt on and a sweatshirt. I got out put my other clothes away and sat down to eat. " David what did u need" I said while enjoying my food. "u" He said annoyed at me for some reason. 

"What is your problem David please don't say Jamie's name"  I said trying to enjoy my food but there was a knock on the door. I went to open it and It was Jamie  " I thought you were hanging out with your group of friends." I said relived. " I was in till Katie texted me to say that David was on his way our there already, but my friends took my key." He said madly at David and me, why is he mad at me, I'm the one who is to be mad at him. " Thank you for caring but I got it under control thank you." I said. " Brooke why are you mad at me I didn't do anything' he said really mad.  Then there was someone else at the door, so I went to answer it and it was Jamie's friends and they just pushed me out of the way and went straight to him, but he went straight to help me get back up. " Them them Jamie them , that is why I'm mad at you" I said he annoyed. I got up and went to his friends and pushed them and I went to cry in my pillow for like an hour. while my little breakdown I heard Jamie say " can you please leave David." Then someone got in the bed and it was just Jamie.

After I was done crying I turned over and he was sitting there playing cards with his friends. I got up and went to the bathroom and cleaned up my face cause I had a couple of interviews while I'm here. I got 2 more days in till he has to leave his friend to got to Minnesota for my dance competition. I cleaned up my makeup and while I was putting my makeup on there was a knock at the door. I went to answer it and it was Nikki. " Jamie Nikki here " I said. " u better be ready Jamie" Nikki said. " for what"  I stated to laugh and he came in and tickled me. " yes I'm ready let me get my shoes on" he said really happy. We have a dinner to met up with the family and I knew Kate was there and David, so that must mean that Brennan and Kaylee there. OH there is going to be a lot of drama for dinner. On the way to the place for dinner we played swap and we got there.

Mom- M * Dad- D * Frank- F * Brennan- W * Brooke- B * Katie- K * David- A* Jamie- J * Nikki- N * Kaylee- K**

M= Hey Brooke how was the day at academy

 B= good mom thanks for asking

A= Are u felling better now after crying for an hour

B= I am actually so drop it

A= I'm getting tired of you saying drop it by u

K= Hey bestie

B= good but u could of tould me that he was coming

K= sorry

B-= and for u guys what are u doing here 2 days earlier

D= Brooke what happened before u came here

J= that might of not been good I think you just ruined dinner

D= how

J= 3 2 1 see told u

D= I got it now get her we have to tell u guys something

J= k Nikki stay here with grandpa


J= Brooke come here now

B= Jamie

J= Brooke whats up

B= I have a question

J= shoot

B= do u like me

J= come on,  I'll answer that later

B= no now

J= yes Brooke now lets go

W= lover boy

A= what do you want

W= just stop

M=welcome back

B= thanks

J= now explain

D= so we had to say this in front of you guys

M= we came early cause we kinda of lost the house here so we are staying in LA

D= yeah

B= MOM DAD, so u just made this so I gad to ruin my life

M= Brooke

B= No mom u guys ruined my love life my friends ships

M= Brooke

B= Jamie did you get your key back

J= yes why

B= I need it

J= where is yours

B= Brennan took It

J= here

W= bye

B= shut up

W= see you at school

B= don't plan on it

So I knew we weren't going to make it through dinner we never do. I'm got Jamie's key and I ran back to the room and I cried again. I put sweats on and I went to lay on my bed and I fell a sleep. I was sleeping and Jamie came in and put the blanket over me and whispered love u to me. I giggled and fell back to sleep. He went to his bed and fell a sleep to. My phone kept going off but I jus annoyed it.


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