Dance regionals

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This is the day of there dance regionals, a couple days after.

Brooke's Pov

So I woke up and I grabbed my uniform and hoped in the shower. After I was done in the shower I got my uniform on, did my make up, and do my hair. Then I went to eat breakfast and I woke up Jamie. There was a knock on the door and it was Katie, and David. I let them in and I help Katie. David eat all my breakfast I didn't eat. After we were all ready my mom comes knocking and she drove us there. I'm still mad at my mom and dad, but whatever. We got to the competition we checked in and I dropped my stuff with my teacher and Jamie wanted to talk to me so I went to him. When I got to him he was talking to Bre, so I walked past him and outside. I was outside and it was Bre. The person I didn't want to see. Before she left she said " Jamie wants me not u so leave him alone." She said. When she was finishing Jamie came out and I went in. I kind of heard him talking to her and it was bad.  

" Bre leave her and mine relationship alone, u are the one that left not me, and oh I forgot to say earlier I'm never getting back together with u. You are a spoiled little girl, a cheerleader and not to forgot, I'm never coming back I'm staying in LA NOT here with u guys so you can leave with that fat grin right now." He said to Bre and I started to walk away and Jamie caught up with me and asked me his question.

" Hey Brooke wait up." He said to me.

" yeah what up make it quick I have to go."  I said to him in a rush voice.

" Will u go out with me." he said

" yes I will, thanks you made me really happy" I said. Out of the corner of my eye I saw David and then we kissed and I ran right past David and they both said good luck and I went on my to the team.

When I got there we headed to go line up and for me to give my speech. We grabbed our flag and I grabbed the piece of paper and lined up. They started to play the music and the judges got up and waved when it was there turn. After that they started.

"Hi guys, today we have kids from all over the world at this competition to try to make it to nationals. Today we have 4 main elite Dance teams and 2 JV squads. Lets welcome are teams. We have from Minnesota we have the Dancers elite team and there JV squad. Then we have our coral girls from I class gym and Maryland. Next we have are other JV squad from Maryland too. Next we have the mountaineers from Colorado. Then the  last and final one we have our Butterscotch dancers from East Hollywood LA." The rest of team gave there speech and finally came mine. I was scared there was like 200 people there, but I did it.

"Welcome to the stage Brooke Leblanc."  The people say and everyone claps.

" hi guys I'm from the butterscotch dancers elite team and I'm a level 10 dancer. I'm 13 years old and we are ready to win for LA. Thank you guys and good luck to everybody." I said really happy.


Katie and I are up first and first is not good. We went and we danced to Every were u look. All the other teams went and up next the category is solos.  


I had a solo Katie had a solo and Eddie did. I went first and danced to love u. Then Katie went and she danced to grave yard. The last one is Eddie and she danced to be nice treat it. We all did amazing and the last category is group dances. We got a 10 minute break while the JV squads went. I headed to the bathroom and I stop to get a drink and David was there. I went over there and asked what was wrong and he said Jamie. I said u guys cant get along can u. You guys are more worse than me and Brennan. I got up and we had 5 minutes left so I wen to talk to my family and Jamie.

M- Hey Brooke

B- Hi mom

D- still mad

B- not at the dinner at something totally different

D- k

B- sit down Jamie

J- k

B- I have to go love u guys

J- good luck


So all the other team went and did really good. It is our turn and we all went and aced it. We danced to Don't Stop Belivin' . After we were done we went to put our team jacket on and went to sit on stage.


" Hi guys we have all of are teams here and they all did amazing. So only 2 teams made it to Nationals and they are really good for the elite team. So in 3rd place in  duet area is Told u so from Colorado. In 2nd place is Bye Bye  from Maryland. In first place is  Every were u look from LA. Next category is Solos. In 3rd place is Did u do it  From Minnesota. In 2nd place is grave yard from LA. In first place is also from LA and it is Love u.  Now for group dances  in first place is Don't Stop Belivin'.  So all around are the two top teams going to Nationals is and in 2nd place is Carol girls from Maryland, and in first is LA teams. good job to all of our teams and have a awesome time."

So we got done and all I want to do is go to my hotel room and lay down. So I went to my hotel room and I just got out of my uniform and washed my make-up off and took my hair down, I asked Jamie to go get some Chipolata. I was flipping through the channel and he came in and I started to eat but there was a knock on the door. When I got to the door it was David and Brennan, I thought I would never say that. I opened it and they walked in. It was like they were under a spell or something. I walked to them and they were by Jamie and I said " Leave him alone" and they walked away.

"What is up with you two" I said really confused. " why didn't you tell me that you guys were dating" brennan said really angry for some random reason. " Why do you care if you really do" I said really angry now.

" Brooke listen, his ex is after you and she said hurt Jamie or hurt you, we said we cant hurt you, you are our friend" he said really mad at him self.  " I know she doesn't like me. She wants Jamie back, but he doesn't want her back because he is in love with me" I said.

" Thanks for clearing it up and next time tell us and not find out my her. You might want to call your best friend or just text her she is really worried about you." He said. " thank you and I will talk to Kate." I said while opening the door and letting them out. I grabbed my phone and put my food away. I opened it and I texted Katie to tell her I was ok.

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