Chapter two

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It was already dark when we arrived at 'the Waves'. It was the neighbourhood where mister Portman lived. We drove down the street, a thick mist surrounding us. I fiddled with my fingers uncomfortably as the car continued its route.

Out of nowhere a man appeared in the middle of the street, forcing Shelley to stir around him. The man stared at me through the window with white eyes. I gasped and jumped to the other side of the backseat, away from the man. "That guy gave me the heebie-jeebies." Shelley stated. I whimpered in fear, making myself as small as possible. "Are you alright, Amy?" Jake asked, glancing at me. I nodded, regaining my posture.

We arrived at mister Portman's house. There were no lights on in the house, concerning me a bit. Usually, he left some lights on and he would tell me more of his stories. I got out of the car, glancing around me to see if the white-eyed man was still there. Jake got out as well and he placed a hand on my shoulder. "Are you sure you're alright?" he asked me. "Yeah, that man just scared me, that's all..." I replied, swallowing and putting on my brave face.

"Holler if you need me." Shelley shouted as Jacob and I walked towards the front door. I held onto my bag, waiting for mister Portman to open the door and inviting us in. Jacob knocked a few times, but no one opened the door. "Grandpa?" he yelled. No answer. "Jake, I don't like this." I mumbled, glancing behind me as if the man with the white eyes was coming for me. "It's okay, Amy. I'm here." he told me, taking his keys from his pocket. He opened the door and walked in, me not to far behind. I gasped loudly. The house was a complete mess, as if someone had broke an entrance. Jake ran through the house as I followed him. The entire house was filled with papers and other stuff belonging to mister Portman. "Jake..." I said. He came to me. "What is it?" he panted. I pointed at the screen door leading to the garden. It was torn to pieces. I held back my tears. I was absolutely frightened. Jake ran outside and I was only moments behind. "Shelley!" Jake shouted. Shelley came out of the car and she walked over to us. "What's going on?" she asked. "Someone broke in." Jake sighted. I stood behind him, my lip trembling with fear. "I've got a .38 in my car. You wait here." Shelley stated, walking back to the car to get the gun.

Jacob rubbed his neck as he spun around to face me. The thing was, I was already staring at something else. No matter how frightened I was, I still walked over to the torn up fence.

"Amy?" Jake asked. I stepped over the remains of the fence, picking up the torch. As soon as my hand touched felt the handle of the torch, I dropped it. There was blood on it, fresh blood. Jacob picked it up and shone the torch on my hand, seeing the blood. "I'm scared, Jacob." I admitted. "Just stay with, me alright?" he said in a reassuring tone. I nodded softly, my eyes focused on the ground. "Do you think it would help if you would hold onto me? I mean, only if you want to." he asked me. I nodded again and I took hold of his arm as we walked deeper and deeper into the woods behind mister Portman's house. The trees creaked rather loudly, making me cling to Jacob even tighter. "It's okay, it was just the wind." he whispered.

We then saw a body. More specific, mister Portman's body. "Grandpa!" Jake shouted, running towards him. I let go of Jake and walked towards the body too. Jacob fell to his knees and in the dim torchlight I managed to see a bloody fork in mister Portman's hand. Jake rolled the body over, so that he was now on his back. I kneeled down next to Jacob and saw that the eyes were missing. Those eyes who had always sparkled a bit when he told me his stories. Jake gasped and took his phone from his pocket while I placed my hand on mister Portman's neck artery. I felt a heartbeat, weak, yes, but it was a heartbeat. Jake was calling 911 as I neared mister Portman's face to see if he was breathing. "Take him to the loop. Miss Peregrine will explain it all." he whispered softly in my ear. "I will..." I whispered back, before leaning back, allowing Jake to talk to his grandpa.

Mister Portman grabbed Jacob's wrist. "Grandpa." He gasped. "You have to get away from here." mister Portman spoke. Jacob stammered a bit before mister Portman continued. "Please. Listen. Go to the island. Find Emerson. The postcard. Go to the loop. September third, 1943." he finished. "It's okay. Just don't move. There's an ambulance coming." Jake said in a desperate attempt to calm down his grandpa. "I know you think I'm crazy. But the bird and the lioness will explain everything." mister Portman spoke. "Will you do this, Tygrysku? Promise me?" "I promise, yes!" Jake exclaimed, tears forming in his eyes. "I thought I could protect you. I should have told you years ago." mister Portman said before he let out one last breath. "Grandpa, tell me what? Grandpa!" He shook the body desperately. "Jake, he's gone..." I whispered.

Jake turned around slowly, clearly looking at something. "Jake..." I whispered. Just then, Shelley entered the woods, holding her gun. "Shelley, behind you!" he shouted. Shelley spun around and began to shoot at the nothingness behind her. She looked at Jake confused, but apparently, whatever had been there was gone, because Jacob seemed eased.

A few moments later we were sitting in the remains of mister Portman's house. "Where will you guys sleep tonight?" Shelley asked, handing me a cup of tea. I looked over to Jake. She had a point. "I suppose we sleep here." he said. "All alone? Don't think so." she exclaimed. "Well, where else can we go?" I said, slightly irritated. "You know what, I'm staying here with you guys until tomorrow morning. I'll take you home and from there on, you can figure it out." Shelley stated. There was no point in arguing with her, so we simply agreed.

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