Chapter eighteen

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I walked through the empty ghost ride, feeling the time stop. I stepped into the fresh September air. "Amelia..." Emma began. "Don't." I warned them. Olive took a step towards me. "Amelia, please-" she began. "I said don't!" I screamed in rage, throwing a fireball towards her. She dodged it swiftly, but she stared at me hurt, as did the others. I ran passed them, onto the ship. I hurried through the halls, making my way to the deck.

The stairs creaked under my weight as I stepped on them. The deck was rather tattered, but still beautiful. I made my way to the railing and held onto it. I let out empty sobs, seeing I had no more tears left. I would never see Jacob Portman again. I would never tell him that I loved him with all my heart. Everything that could have been, left behind.

Just then, I heard footsteps nearing me. "Leave me alone." I cried. "Do you have any idea how long it took me to get here?" a male voice asked me. "You're not real. You're just a voice in the back of my head." I told myself. It was my subconscious trying to cope with what happened in 2016. "'s me." the voice reassured me. I spun around and saw Jake staring at me. "Jake!"" I stammered. "I finally found you." he stated, pulling me into a hug. "But how are you here?" I questioned, staring into his pale, blue eyes.

"Well...the closest loop was in the California dessert. I used it to get to the Tokyo loop and that lead me to the nearest loop back in 1942, where I wound up joining the Navy. Don't ask. Then I spent two months in London trying to-" "You grew your hair." I interrupted him. "What?" he asked me. "Your hair. It's longer than it used to be." I said. "Did you even listen? I travelled all over the globe for you and you're complaining about my hair?" he shouted. "Well, I-" he cut my off. "You're unbelievable!" he exclaimed running his hands through his hair. "Why did you travel across the globe?" I questioned.

"To do this." Jake replied, placing one hand on my cheek. He pulled my face towards his, scanning my features carefully, before placing his lips onto mine. I hesitated for a bit before kissing back.

He held my waist tightly, as if I could just vanish as my hands were lost in his hair

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He held my waist tightly, as if I could just vanish as my hands were lost in his hair. "Calm down, Tygrysku. I'm not going anywhere." I stated as we broke the kiss. "I can never be sure with you." he replied. "Does this make us two a thing?" I asked. "Do you want to?" he asked. I nodded happily. "Well, will you, Amelia Jones, be my girlfriend?" Jake questioned. "Do Ymbrynes manipulate time?" I joked. He laughed and kissed my forehead.

"Wait, does this mean I get to steal your clothes?" I asked him. "You stole them ever since we became friends! You still have one of my shirts!" Jake told me. "Fair enough." I said, smiling. "But what about your family? Jake, your mum and dad will freak." I stated. "I convinced an Ymbryne to give me a personal loop." he explained. "Really? That's amazing! But why didn't you use it to get here quicker?" I asked.

"Well, because I was in a hurry, miss Umura, the Ymbryne who gave me the loop, couldn't explain how this personal loop thing works." Jake said. "I'll teach you. One more question, how did you convince her to just give you one?" I questioned. "I told her my story and all she asked in return for the personal loop was for me to find you and never let you go..." he whispered. "I don't think that's going to be a problem." I replied, placing my head on his chest. I could hear his heart beating steadily and I smiled. We heard a bird squawk and we looked up. There we saw miss Peregrine flying high above us. "We'll take care of the children, miss Peregrine! All we ask of you is to find us!" I shouted up at her. The bird squawked again and flew off. "I figured out what it was your grandpa wanted me to tell you." I told him. "What was it?" Jake asked. "That I love you." I breathed out.

Jake and I entered the machine room. "Jake! You're back!" Olive exclaimed. "Yep. You won't get rid of me that easily." he replied. "I see you and Enoch are together?" I asked her, glancing at their entwined hands. She blushed and glanced at the ground. "You owe me ten pounds, Emma!" I shouted at the blonde.

"You placed a bet on us?!" Enoch questioned. "One that I won." I explained. "Well, I see you two found your happy ending as well." Olive told us, looking at Jake's arm around my waist. "I guess so." I replied, glancing at Jake.

"Captain, we need you at the steering wheel." Millard told me, handing me an old captain's hat. "Yes, sailor!" I told him, fake saluting. "Hey! I was the one in the Navy!" Jake said indignantly. "Do you honestly think that in all my 102 on this earth I've never joined the Navy?" I told him, putting on the hat. Jake stared at me in confusion as I simply smirked at him, grabbing the steering wheel.

"Sailor, are we ready for full speed?" I asked Fiona. "Ready for full speed ahead!" she replied. I steered away from the harbour, into the wide open seas.

"Where are we going?" Horace asked me. "How about an adventure?" I asked him. "Yes! I love adventures!" Claire exclaimed. "That's good. Now, sailor Portman, could you please fetch me a map?" I asked him. "Yes, ma'am." he replied, saluting at me. "Emma, Olive, Enoch, please go and find some suitable rooms for us to sleep in. and do take the kids with you." I stated, looking at the lonely sea ahead. "Of course. Children, are you coming?" Olive asked them, grabbing Enoch's hand. The younger kids cheered as Enoch, Olive and Emma led them outside.

"Thank you." Emma said as she passed me. "For what?" I asked. "Taking care of us." she replied. "I made a vow. And I won't leave you guys until we find miss Peregrine." I told her. "Good." she stated. "Oh, and Emma?" I questioned. She spun around to face me. "Do find a two person bedroom for yourself. I want to share one with you again." I said. "Don't you want to share one with Jake?" she questioned. "What's the fun in that?" I told her, winking. "Now go and help the others." I ordered. "Yes, captain." she smiled.

"I do like your bossy side." Jake told me as he entered the machine room again. He walked up to me and placed his head on my shoulder and his hands a little too low for my liking. "Hands up North, sailor." I ordered him. "What if I refuse?" he whispered in my ear. I kicked his shin rather hard and he stepped back, groaning in pain. "I win." I stated. "Alright then." Jake said, holding me by my waist.

"Have you brought the map?" I asked. He handed me the paper and I folded it open. "So, where are we off to, captain?" Jake asked me with a smirk. "I was thinking South Africa, you?" "I'll go anywhere with you." he whispered. "I asked for your opinion, not some cheesy pickup line." I told him. "You're not going to say it back?" he asked offended. "I'll go anywhere as long as it's forward. So, South Africa?" I asked him again. "Sounds like a plan to me." he muttered.

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