Chapter three

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"Doctor Smith?" I asked the psychiatrist in front of me. "Yes, Amelia?" he said. "Do you think I'm crazy?" I questioned, staring at the brown-eyed man. He ran his hands through his already messy hair before standing up. He kneeled before me. "There's no such thing as crazy. Only those who are dull and those who are different. "So you're saying I'm crazy?" I clarified. "Well, I'm not saying that, I'm just saying that you're...extraordinary." he said with a goofy grin. "Just say it! I'm crazy! Just say it, then you won't ever see me again. I'll be locked up in some sort of asylum and I won't ever have to see this horrible world again!" I yelled, making doctor Smith back up. "Amelia, I'm going to tell you a little secret. Promise me to keep it?" he questioned. I nodded politely. "I'm crazy too. We're all a bit crazy when you think about it really, some just accept it while others lock it away, somewhere deep in their minds."

"That's rubbish!" I shouted. "People who are in their right mind don't wake up at night, screaming because of the nightmares! They don't feel like they're being watched wherever they go! Doctor Smith, just admit it. I'm crazy, completely bonkers! Please, just say it." I begged the man in a blue suit. "Amelia, I've seen crazy people, and trust me, you don't have that look in your eyes, that tone in your voice." he reassured me. I buried my face in my hands, shaking my head.

"Let's talk about your friend for a bit, Jacob, right?" doctor Smith suggested. I nodded slightly, glancing up again. "He's even worse than me. Just before we left the woods, he yelled something about a creature being behind Shelley." I explained, glancing at the ground. "And what did he say afterwards?" the psychiatrist. "He said that it was imagination. That he picked something up from his grandfather's stories and used it to cope with the loss or something." I told him. "And do you believe him?" doctor Smith asked.

"Do I have a choice? I mean, according to the police, dogs scratched up the screen door. Mister Portman must have followed them into the woods. The coroner said he had a heart attack and the dogs went for the...went for the soft parts..." I whispered the last part. I felt tears rolling down my cheeks as I let out some sobs. "Did you know him well? Abe Portman?" the man in front of me asked. "Yeah, he always told me and Jake stories about when he was younger. He was basically the grandfather I never had." I sobbed. "I think that's enough for today, Amelia. You're doing absolutely brilliant, especially since it's only a month ago." doctor Smith said. "Thanks, doctor." I replied, standing up. "I'll see you during our next appointment." he said. "Yeah, bye." I simply said, walking out of the office.

I stepped into the warm summer air when Mrs. Portman approached me. "Amelia, we're going to Abe's house to clean up there. Would you like to come with us?" she asked. "Uhm... sure. Is your husband okay with that?" I questioned. "Well, since you were very close to Abe as well, we thought you had the right to come along." she explained. "Alright, thank you Mrs. Portman." I told the woman. "It's alright, Amelia." she replied.

"Thanks for coming, Amy." Jake said as I got inside the car. "It's fine, really. I believe I should thank you for inviting me, I mean, he was your grandfather. I would have understood if you didn't want me there." I replied. "Amy, are you crazy? He loved you like his own granddaughter. It's only right that you came along." Jake stated.

I was woken up by Jake, who sat up straight in his bed. We were at mister Portman's house and I shared a room with him, like we always do. "Five years and counting on that damn book." I heard Mrs. Portman say. "Jake, what's going on?" I whispered from the floor. I had offered to sleep on the ground, it seemed only fitting, seeing I'm the guest. "Nothing, just go back to sleep." he whispered back. "You sure?" I asked. He simply nodded before turning around. I sighted and fell asleep not soon afterwards.

We were nearly done with cleaning everything when I found an old bracelet I had given to mister Portman when I was about nine years old. He had worn it nearly all the time ever since

The only time he took it off was when he went to bed. I was just putting away the last things in the bedroom while Jake and his dad were in the living room. "Amelia, are you coming?" Jake's dad asked, entering the room. I nodded, staring at the string bracelet.

"You made that for him, didn't you?" he asked

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"You made that for him, didn't you?" he asked. "Yeah..." I mumbled. "I remember that. You were so hyped to give it to him." he said with a chuckle. "I was over the moon when he told me that he would wear it every day, until he died..." I whispered. "Maybe it's your turn to wear it now." he said. "Are you sure?" I asked the man. "Yeah, I mean, he meant a lot to you too. It's only fair you get to take something." he explained. "Thank you." I said. "You're quite welcome." he replied. "Now let's go! Don't tell Jake, but there's a surprise party waiting for him." he said, whispering the last part. I put on the bracelet and followed Jake's dad to the car. We got in and began the drive towards Jake's house.

When we entered the house, Jake was overwhelmed by his family. I just stood there, smiling a bit, before slipping away to the kitchen quietly. "Hey Amelia! Lovely to see you again!" Jake's aunt, Susie, exclaimed. "Hi..." I mumbled. "How have you been?" she asked. "Been better, been worse." I simply stated. "I'm sure everything will be just fine. Now, I must give this to Jake, it was from his grandfather. Oh, also, I found a letter with your name on it while packing up. Don't worry, I haven't read it." she told me. I nodded and took the envelope from her. She left the kitchen and walked towards Jake's room as I remained there. The letter was quite old and the ink was a bit smudged, but it clearly read 'to Amelia Jones, so that she can explain everything when the time is right'. A part of me wanted me to open the letter right there and then, but I knew I couldn't. I put it in my bag, to read later before walking towards Jake's room.

I entered the manatee-filled room, seeing Jake on his bed, reading an old postcard. "Hey..." I whispered, closing the door behind me. "Amy! I didn't expect you here!" Jake said in a startled voice. "Sorry to scare you." I muttered. "It's okay, it's just...aunt Susie just gave me a book." he said. "Well, books are great!" I exclaimed, sitting down next to him. "The thing is, it belonged to my grandpa and it had a postcard in it, addressed to him by some Alma Peregrine..." he told me. "Can-can I see it?" I asked a bit careful, not wanting to force him. "Sure." he replied, handing me the book. I opened it and a postcard fell out. It had a picture on it of a small village, Cairnholm. I turned it around and began to read.

My dearest Abe,

I hope this card finds you well. The children and I yearn to hear your news. I do hope you will visit us again soon. We should so love to see you.

With admiration,

Alma Peregrine

"Jake, don't you think Peregrine is as in miss Peregrine, from your grandfather's stories?" I asked him. "I don't know, I mean, they're just stories, aren't they?" he said, standing up and pace the room. "I believe this card disagrees with that. I mean, look at the date, it's only two years ago. Jake, that means miss Peregrine could still be alive!" I exclaimed. "Amy, you don't really believe these stories, do you?" Jake asked, a serious look on his face. "Jake, if we choose to only believe things we can prove, then what kind of world do we live in?" I questioned, staring him dead in the eye. "I'll talk about it with my parents and my psychiatrist and you're coming with me." he said in a demanding tone which scared me a bit. This wasn't the Jacob Portman I knew. "Alright..." I whimpered, leaving him alone in his room. I walked out of the front door without saying goodbye to anyone.

I didn't go home. Instead I went to the beach. The sound of the waves always seemed to calm me down.

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