Chapter thirteen

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Jake entered the attic glancing around desperately. "Okay, alright...uh..." he stammered. I tapped his shoulder and pointed towards the window. "Crap! It's almost reset!" Jake exclaimed as he saw the rain pouring down. I walked past him and opened the window, looking outside. "Jake, I might have a plan, but I'll need Fiona's help." I stated, pointing towards a large tree. "Got it!" Fiona shouted. "Be careful." Jake told us as I slid down the roof, Fiona following me. "Let's do this." I told the girl, balancing on the side of the roof. She smiled at me and I closed my eyes. I did some complicated movements and I could feel the branch grow. I opened my eyes again and I saw that the branch was now a sufficient bridge. "Go!" I shouted, stepping aside so that the kids could run over it. Emma helped me get everyone to safety. The Hollow roared and I looked at Emma and Jake.

 It broke the window and I could hear its breath

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It broke the window and I could hear its breath. "Go Fiona!" Emma yelled. "You too, Amy!" Jake yelled, taking aim. I looked up to the sky and I saw the bomb falling down. I ran over the branch as fast as I could, knowing Emma would get Jake down.

The bomb hit the home and I saw Emma and Jake floating down. I ran towards them and held Emma down to the ground. Jake hugged me. I looked at the home and I saw the loop close. "Was that..." he began. "The loop closing. It's gone." Emma breathed out. "Look, we need to find the others. Olive took your shoes, Emma." I informed them. "You're right, but how are we going to keep Emma to the ground?" Jake asked me. I created a rope made of natural fibres and tied it around her waist. "That should do it." I stated, holding the rope tightly. Jake let go of her and she floated up, tugging at the rope. I nearly flew up as well, but Jake held me down. "Let me take that." he whispered. I nodded and handed him the rope, walking towards the beach.

We approached the others with gloom faces. Jake pulled Emma down and I handed her her shoes. "I'm sorry, Jake." Olive stated. "Jake..." I whispered, placing a hand on his shoulder. He placed his hand over mine and looked at me. "Jacob, we need to help them..." I whispered softly. I only used his full name during an extreme situation. "Is there any sign of Barron and miss Peregrine?" he asked the children. "Gone. Barron must have had a boat." Olive told us. I stared at the merciless ocean. "Well, we have to go after them. We know he's taking her to Blackpool." Jake said. "But Blackpool's miles away! The next ferry doesn't go for hours! We'll never make it in time." Millard exclaimed, causing everyone to look at him. "Who says we need a ferry?" I smirked.

All of us sank down to the Augusta with an air-bubble around their heads. I landed next to Emma. I stood back to back with her as she blew air. I pushed it from my hands and we spun around, draining the entire ship. Slowly but surely, we began to rise to the surface. Emma and I smiled at each other. We were pushed against a nearby wall, seeing the ship was now vertical. "Come on!" I shouted at the ship. Eventually, we came down with a giant splash and I cheered. The two of us ran towards the control room, meeting Olive on our way there. "We did it!" I exclaimed. "Indeed, now let's find miss Peregrine!" she replied, walking with us. I walked up to Jake, tapping his shoulder lightly. He spun around and I gestured for him to come with me. "Jake, we need a plan. Now." I told him. "I know, but I can't make a plan if I don't know anything." he replied, running his hand through his hair. "Your grandpa's old map!" I yelled, dragging him towards the secret hideout.

I grabbed the metal box and opened it, rummaging through the old papers. "Found it!" I stated, pulling the map from the box. Jake opened the map hastily and I made my way towards him. "So, there's a loop here in Blackpool. It's only six months old, January eleventh, 2016." Jake told me, pointing at the red dot. "But with miss Avocet gone, it can't be reset. Won't the loop close?" "It will and it will close in our time, meaning that the others won't survive!" I said on the verge of tears. "Amy, why do peculiars die so quickly?" Jake asked me. "If you live in a loop long enough, your body will get used to being that age forever, but when you're not in a loop for a while, the years will catch up. Your body can't handle that sudden change, so they die." I explained. "What about you?" Jake questioned. "I can choose to age, one year at a time." I said. "But do you know what this means?" I asked him, realising something.

"Yeah, everyone except you and me are going to die." he shouted at me. "No, look. They have to get back to 1943, but you can continue to live there." I said. "But why would I do that?" he asked me. "Jake, if we kill Barron, time will continue like it should, but Barron won't be there. He won't go to Florida with a Hollow and your grandpa won't die. You could go home..." I told him. "I could see my grandpa..." he stated with a small smile. I spun around, knowing I wouldn't come with him. I had sworn miss Peregrine to take care of the kids when she wasn't around. "We can see him again, tell him what happened!" Jake shouted in glee. I spun around, his blue eyes meeting my golden ones. "You won't come with me, will you?" Jake asked, realisation hitting him. "Jake, I promised miss Peregrine to take care of them. I made a vow." I told him sadly. "We wouldn't see each other again..." "Amy, you were the one that convinced me to stay. That's what you wanted, right?" "I know you'll choose your grandfather..." I breathed out. "If I minded, I wouldn't have told you." I added. Jake came closer to me, almost as if he was going to kiss me.

"So, have you found miss Avocet's loop on the map yet?" Enoch asked, bursting in. Jake picked up the map and walked towards him. I followed, looking at the ground. "It's here, but it's new. She made it early this year, that's my year. If we don't get out before it closes we're stuck in January 2016." Jake explained. "Great, so...time catches up with all of us, we all die, except you and Amelia. Plan?" Enoch sneered at him. "The loop closes at 4:30. That means we need to get in, rescue the Ymbrynes then get out." Jake told us. "Yeah, if we're not already dead. Miss Avocet said that the machine is in the cellar of the Blackpool Tower building. That means we will be indoors...with Hollows." Enoch said. "No, we won't. I've got a plan. But I'm going to need your help." Jake told him.

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