Chapter fourteen

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We neared Blackpool harbour with every minute. Soon enough we docked and Bronwyn threw down the plank. We ran off the boat and walked towards the loop, which was a half-broken ghost ride.

"This can't be it, can it?" Jake asked me. "Literally anything can be a loop. In New York, it's the loo in a Burger King." I told him, walking towards the entrance. Jake pushed open the doors and the familiar feeling of time stopping filled my body. "Are you sure this is it?" Jake asked me. Emma looked outside. "I think so." she replied. Jake turned his attention to Millard. "Millard, there's something I need you to do first." he said. "Alright, I know." the invisible boy replied, taking off his clothes. We walked out of the loop. It was rather chilly, but it was definitely 2016. "Look, there's the tower. It's not far." Jake stated, pointing towards the tall structure. "Easy for you to say, I'm freezing." Millard said as we made our way to the tower. "Ready?" Jake asked us. We nodded and I led the way.

"Amy, let me in first." Jake whispered as we were nearing the theatre. "Last time I checked, I was the one who has experience with knowing where Hollows are and how to keep hidden from them." I told him. "Yeah, and the last time I checked, I was the one that could see them." he fired back. "Fine, but I'm using my lioness senses." I huffed.

We sneaked over the balcony, careful not to be spotted. "All of the doors to the cellar are locked. The only way to reach the Ymbrynes is through there." Jake told the three of us, pointing at the entrance at the back of the theatre. "Backstage..." I muttered. "How many Hollows can you see?" Emma asked him. "Four, that's good news." Jake told us. "I don't know what you think is good news, but that certainly isn't." I stated, hearing the Hollows' breaths. "It means Barron's other friends haven't arrived yet. So they haven't started the experiment. We're not too late." Jake explained to me. "You ready for your fifteen minutes of fame, Emma?" I asked her. She nodded and Millard handed me the rope. I tied it around Emma's waist and handed it to Jake. We couldn't afford to make any mistake, not now.

"Our brethren should be joining us momentarily." I heard Barron tell his friends. "This is a day to-" Just then, Emma floated up. "Hey!" she yelled. "You down there! We killed your Hollow friend, mister Barron. And now we've come for miss Peregrine! Bring her and all the other Ymbrynes to the end of the pier in five minutes, or face the consequences."

With that, Jake pulled her down and I picked up her lead shoes. "Now get out of here." I hissed. "These children must be as insane as their headmistress." I heard Barron. "Wait!" I whispered, stopping dead in my pace. "What is it?" Jake whispered back. "Still, the Hollows will be glad of a feed." Barron stated. "We're good. They're sending the Hollows after us." I informed them. "How did you..." Jake wondered. "Lioness senses, remember?" I replied, running out of the theatre.

"Alright, Emma, people might stare at you because you're flying, but I might know a way to distract them." I explained. "No, Amelia, you're not shapeshifting." Millard told me. "And why not?" I asked. "Because we need your help later on and you won't exactly be helpful as a lioness." Emma said. "Fine. But don't come to me when people take photos of you." I groaned, opening the doors, leading us to the busy street. "Here goes nothing." I breathed out, pushing Emma in the right direction with my air powers. Jake held on to the rope, dragging her with him. "Jake, we've got company..." I muttered, glancing at two of Barron's companions. "Amy, Jake, I'm stuck!" Emma panicked. She was stuck to a tram cable. "Hurry!" I yelled, seeing a tram approach rather fast. I pushed air down on her, making her come down just enough to get under the cable. Jake pulled her away and we ran towards the loop entrance.

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