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A week came and went and before I knew it, it was Wednesday, my day off. And I decied to spend it wandering the streets.

Once again, everyone watched me as I passed and I stopped here and there to play with the children. Soon the group of us were skipping down the street, making even the glommiest of adults smile slightly. Eventually the kids went their merry way and I was by myself again. But I didn't mind, I just continued walking, a small sweet smile on my face.

As I rounded a corner, I bumped into someone so suddenly that I found myself sitting on the ground. "Watch where you're-" The voice stopped short.

I looked up, and instantly started to blush. It was that man again, his green eyes even clearer up close. My thoughts drifted back to his grin and my cheeks went a deep ruby red.

"Oh, it's you." He remembers me! My heart started hammering in my chest. "Yeah, me." I repiled, mentally slapping myself. He held his hand out.

"You should watch where you're going. If you come around the corner that quickly, you could lose your nose. "I took his hand and carefully stood. "I'm not used to crowded streets." He arched one eyebrow."Really? Where are you from?" "London." "England? Then you really are pretty far from home aren't you?" I nodded, his hand slipped from mine.

"You have beautiful eyes." I said before shutting my mouth. He smiled with that devil grin that made me tremble. "Thank you. You look lovely in that dress." I bashfully looked down at the light blue summer dress. "Thank you." When I looked back up, his green eyes were gazing so intensely into mine that the world fell silent.

"I'm Ann Marie by the way." I said, quickly and nervously sticking my hand out. "Rooster." His hand was bigger then mine but so warm I wanted to melt.

"That's an unusual name." "So is yours." My eyes darted downwards before looking up again.

"Rooster!" I jumped at the high-pitched voice, he rolled his eyes, and our hands fell back to our sides. The blonde woman from before came into view, wrapping her arms around his. Looking her over, I had to restrain myself from frowning; she was a pretty woman but her blue eyes were cold and hard, her lips in an annoying baby-like pout, and her voice was sweet but possessed an annoying screech.

"Oh, you again." This time, my smile did falter. "Indeed." Her frown became deeper, a sight that made me want to laugh a little.

"I should probably go, I didn't mean to intrude." She smiled a wicked little one, but Rooster's reaction was different.

"Will I see you again?" My eyes darted back to his. He wants to see me again?! My whole face went warm, a sight that made him smile, which made my tongue twist into a knot.

"Per-perhaps, I t-take Wednesday's off." "Then I hope to see you again, Ann Marie." I shivered at the sound of my name coming from his rich velvet voice. And when he smiled softly, I couldn't help smiling back. So with a polite nod goodbye, I walked around them and continued on my merry way. But not before catching a piece of their conversation.

"You better not be falling for her, she's probably only sixteen." I heard the blond woman say. "Of course not." I didn't even have to look to know he was staring at my backside.

Mary Poppins Daughter [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now