Chapter 7

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(Yeah, I tried to sketch Paul and Pat in this au since no ones drawn them and I failed. If anyone wants to draw them, Paul's a werewolf and Pat's a red scaled dragon with red wings and a spiked tail.

Anyways, onto the chapter.)

Fire. Tord was used to it. The heat rising from orange, red, and yellow flames as they licked at the sky, dark grey smoke drifting off in the breeze. He loved the feeling of being a being of fire himself and able to conger up small flames and smoke clouds at will.

But he was never used to this kind of flame.

The fire that burned in his heart. The kind that sparked up when feeling a certain way, like throwing dry sticks into his own bonfire, but inside of him. The feeling would take his breath away easily, gone with the wind. Not that he hated it, he was just confused.
Was it his true magic trying to escape? No, it couldn't be. Could it? He had learnt to keep his guard up at all times from Patryck, and to push away the urge to kill from Paul, so it couldn't be it.
Of course, the feeling stayed. It made Tord's cheeks burn and his chest tighten up, as if he was being killed slowly by a boa contrictor. It would make his magic waver, making his shadowy eyes, tail, and arms flicker for a few moments before reappearing.
He had never felt the feeling before, nor ever heard anyone talk about it.
Yet, he couldn't hate it at all. He yearned for the feeling, as if his heart was attracted to the jittery feeling he would gain in his joints or the fluttery feeling in the pit of his stomach.

One night in particular, the eldritch found himself pacing the floor of his hut, his mind wracking around the strange feeling he was gaining. He paced back and forth, listening to the creaking sounds his clawed footsteps made with each step. He eventually stopped in the middle of this tracks, his mind clouded with thoughts too deep for him to dive into. He decided that he needed help, and fast, if he were to solve this firey problem.

Tord slowly snuck by his sleeping friend in the living room, forcing himself to not make a peep as he grabbed his bright red hoodie. Before he opened he door and left into the night, he looked back at the sleeping angel curled in front of the fire. A blue checkered blanket covered him and his navy blue feathered wings wrapped around him, making him safe and warm. Tord couldn't help but smile, thinking that the angel was simi-cute in this state. Before anything thought rolled into his mind, Tord quickly left and closed the door behind him gently, as to not wake the sleeping Tom.

Tord ran through the forest, enjoying the cold air hitting his face. He barely ran out of air while running and didn't have to stop, as it was in his nature to be a good athlete. He barely worked out, though, and just used these skills to run at top speeds no one else in the forest could reach. Well, exacpt for Pat sometimes, but that was when the dragon was flying, not running on his own two feet.

Eventually, Tord reached his destination and skidded to a stop, smiling as he walked up to his two friends; Edd and Matt. The werewolf and vampire were talking just outside the cave they shared near Tord's house. Tord used to live there with them, as well, but decided he would build his own hut to live in, away from the cold winter nights. He invited his friends multiple times to live with him, but they refused for some odd reason that Tord couldn't figure out.

"Edd? Matt? I hope I'm not bothering you." Tord chuckled and sat down next to them.
"Not at all!" The vampire replied and grinned, showing his sharp fangs in the moonlight. The eldritch chuckled again.
"What brings ya here? Shouldn't you be sleeping?" Edd asked.
"Eh, I couldn't sleep. I wanted to ask you two to help me out with something."
"Anything." Edd and Matt stated at the same time and laughed, realizing what had just happened.
"Well... I have this firey feeling I can't explain."
"Really now? Isn't that normal?" Matt asked.
"Not this one. I've never felt it in my life."
"Well, describe it." Tord thought for a moment. How was he going to describe an odd feeling suck as this? He took a deep inhale of the cold night air and tried to think of the words to say.
"Let's see... for one, it makes my powers flicker. For two, it's gives me a burning and constricting feeling in the chest and makes me unable to breath for a moment or two..." Tord pushed to think again. "Oh, and it makes my stomach feel all mushy." The eldritch then stopped and looked at Edd and Matt, who sideglaced eachother before looking him, the same kind of spark in their eyes.
Edd and Matt always seemed to have that, like they could sense each other's thoughts. This popped up a few days after Edd and Tord first met Matt, when he flew into their cave with a broken wing.

But, I'm getting off topic.

"I think I know what you mean." Edd chirped, his tail wagging in happiness.
"Yeah, I agree." Matt grinned.
"Well? Are you two gonna tell me?" Tord asked, looking at Edd, and then at Matt.
"First thing's first." Edd got up from his seated position and curled around Tord. "Do you always feel this way?"
"Who do you feel it by?" Matt asked.
"Wait... what?" Tord asked, slightly confused. Edd shot a soft glare at Matt, but kept it playful.
"I think he meant to say... when do you feel it?"
"When I think about Tom, I guess...." Tord trailed off. Matt and Edd grinned at eachother again before Edd sat back down next to his friend.
"Ok.... do you know what it is now?"
"Yep! Sure do!" Edd smirked and sideglaced Matt again, before he looked back. Tord was about to tell them to spit it out before they both grinned once again and looked at him.
"YOURE IN LOVE WITH TOM!" The two exclaimed at the same time, making Tord fall backwards at the sudden outburst.
"Geezums! Keep your voice down!" Tord growled softly and sat up again. "Also... what? Are you kidding me?"
"Nope!" Edd continued to grin.
"Aw come on, you two. I only met him a few days ago. Plus, he's my opposite. PLUS he's a guy." Tord rolled his eyes and crossed all six of his arms.

"You're an idiot." Matt shook his head.
"For one, there is such thing as 'love at first sight'. For two, ever heard is opposites attract? For three, when has that stopped anyone? Come on, you literally know a werewolf and a dragon who are mates." Edd followed Matt up and Tord sighed.
"What-the fuck-ever, Edd. I don't believe you two." Tord got up from his sitting position and shoved his hands in his pockets. "I'm going home to sleep. Thanks I guess."
"You're welcome!" Matt cheered as Tord walked away.
"And remember what we said. I think you'll see in a few days that we were right!" Edd called after him as well. Tord just rolled his eyes again and trudged home, not caring how long it took.

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