Chapter 8

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((The amazing art of Paul and Pat shown above is by the lovely Cupcakecolors1. Please go check them out!~))

Edd and Matt were a hundred percent accurate in their diagnosis. Tord had tripped over his tail and fallen onto his stomach for Tom. He decided to hide the feelings around the angel and forcefully swallow them down his gullet like a tsandere would. Why did he do this? Well, of course, fear of rejection. Everyone feels it in their life when they fall in love with someone. Tord was no different, even if he was never really scared of anything in his life before.

The thing was, though, was that Tom felt the exact same. Unlike Tord, he didn't need someone to tell him that he loved the eldritch. He knew it himself, even if he had barely ever felt the feeling we know as 'love' before.
It almost felt like the eldritch had melted his frozen heart, which was the reason why Tom was reserved. The angel felt as if he could he happy and talk freely around Tord, instead of watching his words.

After a few weeks, or months, after Tom first met Tord. The eldritch had softened around the angel like an ice cream cone left out in the sun. He started to stay more at home with Thomas instead of going to the city to mess with the some villagers and flirt with others. He also changed his whole moral set, turning into a nicer version of his older self.

This is why Tom felt like his job was actually being accomplished. He had told himself when he was going back down to the mortal world that he could never change an eldritch's ways, but here he was. Living with one that was one of the kindest monsters he had ever met. Tord wouldn't snap at him like other angels would, he wouldn't judge him for his weird and sudden visions and his attitude, and would leave him alone if he wanted space. Tord was the sweetest person he had ever encountered; even to the point where he doubted that Tord did anything wrong in the first place.

But the eldritch had a dark secret. One that he hid from everyone. Only Patryck and Paul knew about this secret, and had sworn to never reveal it to anyone.
This secret was this; Tord never used his full powers. Now, I know what you're thinking. How is that horrible? Why did he keep it a secret? Because of this, my dear reader.
Eldritch's true powers were terrifying. They could look at something the wrong way and burn it. They could spew flames from their mouths at high speeds and at temperatures that would turn the strongest metal to a glowing puddle of red liquid.
A true eldritch looked nothing like Tord, due to him holding back his true evil ambitions. A true eldritch, in his universe, looked like a lava demon, compete with ram horns, long, dark red claws, goat hind legs, a dragon-like muzzle, and piercing, firey eyes. True eldritchs were always thirsty for monster and human blood, and wanted to burn the whole planet into fire and lava.

Tord didn't want this. He didn't want his powers to unleash and take over his body. He didn't want to hurt every living thing around him, even his friends. He didn't want to turn into a beast of fire, shadow, and death. He hated that side of himself, and locked it away under many locks and keys. And once Tom told Tord he wasn't going to be strict around him anymore, those locks turned into heavy iron padlocks. Tord knew the only thing holding him back from hurting anyone or anything, now, was himself. It was in the palms of his clawed hands if everything would die thanks to him or not.

And he hated it.

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