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(Amelia give the Doctor an apple, the Doctor takes a bite and spits it out.)

Doctor: That's disgusting. What is that?

Amelia: An apple.        

Doctor: Apple's rubbish. I hate apples.

Amelia: You said you loved them.        

Doctor: No, no, no. I like yogurt. Yogurt's my favorite. Gimme yogurt.

(Amelia brings the Doctor yogurt. The Doctor opens it up, takes a bite, and spits it out)

Doctor: I hate yogurt. It's just stuff with bits in.

Amelia: You said it was your favorite.

Doctor: New mouth, new rules! It's like eating after cleaning your teeth. Everything tastes WROONG! (the Doctor has a some sort of seizure) 

Amelia: What is it? What's wrong with you?

Doctor: Wrong with me? It's not my fault. Why can't you give any decent food. You're Scottish. Fry something.

(Amelia fries up bacon)

Doctor:  Ahh, bacon!

(the Doctor takes a bite of the bacon and then spits it back out)

Doctor:  That's bacon!  Are you trying to poison me?

(Amelia cooks up some baked beans)

Doctor:  Beans!

(the Doctor takes a bite and spits the beans in the sink)

Doctor:  Beans are evil, bad, bad beans!

(Amelia butters a plain slice of bread)

Doctor:  Bread and butter, now you're talking. 

(the Doctor opens the door and throws the bread outside)

Doctor:  And stay out!

Amelia: Got some carrots.

Doctor: Carrots? Are you insane? No, wait. Hang on, I know what I need. I need... fish fingers. And custard.

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