Ch. 25 | Power Trip

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The bathroom door is wide open. Georgia’s silver pumps peep around the frame as she huddles over the toilet on her knees, panting and groaning like a drama queen.

“Nathaniel?” she sobs theatrically, adding a few more groans for added effect.

I say nothing as I walk over to the doorway, holding my breath to delay inhaling the acidic fragrance of the contents of her stomach, which she had unfortunately (lol, not!) managed to get down the front of her chiffon shirt and in the ends of her weave. I stand glaring down at her, enjoying how pathetic and disgusting she looks, feeling oh so powerful because not only am I the strongest person in the room, but no one else can get in here unless I am prepared to unlock the door.

Georgia groans again.

“Babe, I feel like shit,” she cries assuming that the person looming in the doorway is her stolen lover. This is going to be fun.

“Look what we have here,” I say in a voice so sharp that it slices right through her miserable moans, cutting them short.

Georgia rolls onto her bottom to see me smiling victoriously.

“Rio? What are you doing in here? Where’s Nathaniel?” she sneers, glaring up at me from the floor.

“Nathaniel will have to wait. You and I have things to discuss.”

Georgia’s green eyes darkened to a murky swamp hue as she forces herself to stand. There is no way she is going to allow herself to be intimidated by me, after all, who am I to be intimidated by? According to her, I am no one. I am nothing. I watch the globs of vomit dribble down her top and wonder how, even in this dishevelled state, she still finds the audacity to carry herself as if she is a force to be reckoned with. Tonight, that is my role.

“You might want to clean yourself up superstar, you’re gonna be in here for a while,” I sneer shoving a wad of cheap economy tissue at her. She doesn’t flinch; instead she snatches the scratchy off-white toilet paper from me and cleans the curdled gunk off of what used to be a very nice shirt.

“You gonna tell me what it is you want? I hope you’re not going to embarrass yourself and try to get Nathaniel back again. It’s getting pathetic now,” she says, removing the discoloured droplets out of her hair. Can you believe the nerve of this bitch! She’s locked in a room, cleaning vomit off of herself because of a pregnancy that she lied about, and she has the audacity to call ME pathetic! Am I missing something here?

“I’m pathetic?” I scoff in disbelief.

Georgia smirks, “Well, yeah! I mean, how long are you going to chase after a boy that clearly is preoccupied with someone else? Honestly, it’s really sad.”

“Well you should know, you spend enough time doing exactly that,” I retort, refusing to let her get the upper hand.

She is right though; it is sad that after all this time I’m still trying to interfere with her and Nathaniel’s ‘relationship’. If I had any sense I’d leave well enough alone and let them continue to live in their world of lies; they deserve each other.  As much as I know I should just walk away and let them get on with it, I refuse to let Georgia win. I made a vow to keep Nate out of my life, and I plan to stick to it, but she can’t have him. If I miss this perfect opportunity to destroy any chance she has with him, after all that she put me through, then frankly, I’m a fool. This is clearly karma finally delivering the great revenge I’ve longed for, so why should I pass it up?

“In case you have forgotten, Nathaniel and I are having a baby. I’m not chasing anyone sweetie; he’s mine,” she sang, all too happy to remind me.

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