Chapter 3 (Christmas with you)

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Chapter 3 [Jealousy]

by: Pennyloves26

Fairy tail by: hiromashima


Okay, so This chapter is rated 15 and above If you're 14 and below... This shouldn't be your thing since there'll be a scene for teens/adults here.. not for kids :)

-Thank you! ♥



   After Gray left, I definitely couldn't sleep....I mean, Who could?! He told me he liked me! I can't possibly sleep!.... Hello?.. The person you like told you that he likes you! But still, Is he serious?!! I couldn't believe it! 

     I got up from bed, its 6am and its time go to the guild, I don't know how to face him(Gray I mean) after what happened. Today is the 24th and he told me that he'll be meeting me tonight and he'll give me something.

"Yo~" Somebody tapped my shoulders.

"Gra---!" Oh~ it's Natsu. *sigh*...

"So Lucy! Wanna go on a mission today?" He grinned.

"Yeah sure..." I replied. Nothing's new.. We always go to a mission together since we're team mates.

     As soon as we got in the guild, I immediately saw Gray sitting on the counter while drinking his favorite drink. He looked at me from afar and smiled then looked at Natsu. I suddenly saw his face frown. He then went back to his drink.

We're now in front of the bulletin board where the missions are posted

       As Soon as we had chosen our mission for the day, We rushed out of the guild and did the mission. It's a pretty easy mission.

Catch the thief who has been stealing Gold from the pawn shop.

reward 1,000,000 jewels.

    Ha! We'll split it then 500,000 jewels for Natsu and 500,000 jewels for me! I would be able to buy new books and clothes with this! I smiled with the thought.

"Lucy! Snap out of it! The thief is right behind you! Stop smiling! You look crazy! He's running away!" Natsu shouted while pointing to the thief. He absolutely thinks that this is a very easy task that's why he left the job to me. Ahhh this guy.

"Oh sorry! Fine!" I took out my Fleuve d'étoiles [An extending whip heralding from the Celestial spirit world, Virgo gave this weapon to Lucy]

"Yaa!" The whip extended and chased the thief, It was able to wrap the thief's arm. The guy looked at me and smiled devilishly.

"Hi missy, I think i should take you with me" He pulled the whip and brought me with it. He summoned a small portal to escape.

"Gate of the----" I was cut off, I was about to get sucked inside the portal when Gray came and blocked the portal with his Ice magic.

"You're too slow natsu" He grinned and stripped his coat.

"Shut up Gray! Stay out of this!" Natsu demanded.

"Merry Christmas" Gray said and punched the thief. He then put him in his Ice Cage.

"Mission accomplish... I'll leave it to you then" Gray picked up this coat and walk back to the guild. Has he been following us?!...


    I was home by ten'oclock when someone knocked on the door. I opened it and saw Gray. I was expecting him since he said that he'll be here before midnight.

"Hi Gray" I said.

    He didn't say a word.

As soon as we were sitting on the sofa, he moved closer to me and whispered.

"I was jealous" He gently said to my ears.

"W-Why??..." I was blushing so hard that i can only hear my heartbeat.

"Because......---- You were with Natsu and you looked happy" He said. I looked at the room and it seems dark since i just went home. The only source of light is the lamp beside gray.

"W-We're just Friends Gray" I said nervously...

"I'll trust you with that" He gently bit my right ear and i felt so rushing hot.

     We looked each other in the eye and he moved closer. To my surprise, he started to kiss my neck, He told me i smell Good. I was trying my best to hide my moan but i wasn't able to hold it back. He moved closer and his lips touched mine. He pressed harder and i did too...  His hand crawled on my waist and pulled me gently to sit on his Lap.

"Lucy" He whispered...

"y-yeah?" I nervously replied. I fely my face burn, and I am guessing that I'm blushing so hard. I felt so hot and i can't hear anything... just my heart beat and his heartbeat.

      He moved his right hand up the back of my head and started kissing me again like crazy. I hugged his neck and played with his hair for a while. I just went with the flow.


Oh My God! This is absolutely an embarrassing chapter for me! *inhale, Exhale,Inhale,Exhale*

(=0_0=) I never actually kissed someone! Of course except for my parents... I just read those scenes from books i read!... Heavens! This is my first time writing a scene like this! 0_0 A Fan told me it'll be great if i put up a scene like that (The hot scene she meant) ....  im soo soo Embarrassed about this chapter!.... *plays dead* Omg T__T I'm too shy to face you now. 

I'll be updating a next chapter soon, I'll be needing some inspiration from you guys :)

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