The New Kid

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[Sana's POV]

I leave my house for school, it's 7:35 AM. Outside there is a slight breeze, and the air smells of cherry blossoms. I'm on my way to a new school, I just moved. On my way to school it is very quiet. My shoes make noise on the smooth pavement of the sidewalk I'm walking on. Some time passes, and I'm finally at school. The school is quite big, with many windows. I walk into the school, barely anyone is inside. I sigh and walk to my classroom. Inside I see two people. I step inside, and the two people approach me. "Hi! You must be the new kid. What's your name? Mine is Im Nayeon, but everyone calls me Nayeon." She puts her hand out. I shake it then say, "Nice to meet you. My name is Sana." Nayeon has long brown hair, and brown eyes. Her skin is fairly pale, and she has a nice smile. The other girl starts to speak. "Hi, Sana. My name is Tzuyu." She says quietly. When I see her, my heart starts to beat really fast. I don't know what this feeling is. She puts her hand out and I shake it. As I shake it, my face begins to turn red. Tzuyu is very tall, with beautiful brown hair and pretty brown eyes.

After she shakes my hand I just stand there, admiring her

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After she shakes my hand I just stand there, admiring her.

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