The Confession

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[Sana's POV] 

I wake up early in the morning. I get dressed, and eat breakfast. I put my dishes away and go outside. It's 7:00, but it looks like it's 6:00. I walk over to Tzuyu's house. I'm going to tell her how I feel about her. I'm halfway to her house when I think, "I can't do this!" I run back to my house. I sit on the floor and sigh. "What are my emotions?" I ask myself. Time passes. It's 7:30. I look at the time and jump up. I grab my backpack and leave my house. Jin is leaving at the same time. He looks over at me and waves me over. 

"Can I ask you a question?" Jin asks. I nod.

"Sure." I say.

"Well... Do you maybe like like Tzuyu?" He asks.

"What if I do? Why does it matter?" I say not realizing my face turned pink. Jin pretends not to notice.

"You two just seem to have an interesting relationship." He says. My face is full on red now. I can't have people thinking I like her! People would think I'm weird! I start running to school. I enter school and sit down in my classroom. 

"That was close." I sigh. Tzuyu is in the classroom. I didn't see her. She comes over. It's very awkward between us now. But she seems less shy and more open with her emotions now. She sits next to me.

I look around to make sure no one else is in ear range. "Um..Tzuyu. Can I tell you something?" I ask Tzuyu. She nods. 

"You can tell me anything, we're friends." She smiles.

"That's the thing." I say. 

"What do you mean?" Tzuyu asks. Little did I know Jin was about to enter to the classroom.

"I don't wanna be 'friends' or 'just friends'. Tzuyu, I like like you!" I say turning red. Tzuyu blushes, and smiles. 

"The truth is, that's how I feel about you too." Tzuyu says. I look around the room, and see Jin sitting in his seat. I turn bright red.

"O-oh. Did you hear that?" I ask. Jin nods. 

"Don't worry, I won't tell anyone." He says. Tzuyu and I sigh in relief. The classroom is silent. Some other students walk in. And class begins. Class goes by very fast, and it's over. Lunch time! I go to my locker to get my lunchbox. None of my friends are in the lunchroom yet, so I sit alone. A girl walks over to me. She has brownish pink hair and brown eyes. 

"Hi!" She says. "You must be new here. I haven't seen you here before." I nod.

"I am new. I came to this school two days ago." I say. The girl sits down next to me. She's staring at me very dreamily. I start getting my lunch out. I look at the girl.

"What's your name?" I ask.

"Momo." She replies coming back to reality. She brings up her lunchbox from underneath the table. She opens it and pulls out a container full of rice balls. 

"Those look good." I say.

"Do you want one?" She asks me. Tzuyu walks in the lunchroom and starts walking over to where I am. While looking at Tzuyu I say no thank you. Tzuyu sits down. She looks at Momo.

"Hi." Tzuyu says. "I'm Tzuyu." She puts her hand out. Momo shakes it.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Momo." Momo smiles, and doesn't let go of Tzuyu's hand. Tzuyu pulls away and Momo finally lets go. Tzuyu opens her lunchbox and pulls out a sandwich. And finally, Jin enters the lunchroom and sits down at our table. He sees I'm glaring at Momo. He leans over and whispers in my ear, "Momo falls in love with every girl she sees and tries to make people jealous." He says. Oooh. I guess that makes sense. 

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