In Class

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[Sana's POV] 

We finally reach the classroom, the walk to get back to it was very awkward. We didn't talk at all, and we didn't make eye contact. I sit down at my desk. Tzuyu's desk it right next to mine. I feel happy, yet scared. 

Class is starting. Everyone is in their seats and the teacher is at her desk. The bell rings and school has officially begin now. The teacher stands up. "Hello, class. For those whom don't know me I'm Mrs. Yuna and I am your homeroom teacher." She walks to the front of her classroom. "I believe that today we have a new student. So, new student would you please come up her and introduce yourself?" Ms. Yuna sits back down and I stand up. I walk to the front of the class. "Hi everyone. My name is Sana, and I just moved here." I smile and walk back to my seat.  But one thing, I trip over someone's bag and fall face first onto the hard floor. My world goes black.

I wake up, it's very bright. I squint and slowly open my eyes. "W-What happened?" I ask putting a hand on my head. "You tripped over my bag." I hear a voice say. Except, I've never heard this voice before. It's a male voice, not a female one. I sit up. "Where am I?" I ask. "You're in the nurse's office. You hit the floor very hard." Another voice says, this time it's Tzuyu's voice. Why does she have to be everywhere? "How long was I out?" I ask. "About an hour and a half." The male voice says. "Really?" I ask. He nods. I look at him. "What's your name?" I ask him. "Jin." He replies. I sit on the side of the cot I was sitting on. Slowly I try and stand up. I almost fall over, but Jin and Tzuyu run over and catch me. "I wouldn't try and stand up right now." Jin says. Tzuyu nods. "Why not? I'm gonna miss class." I ask. "You could fall again and hurt your head very badly." Jin replies. I sigh. "You stay here, Tzuyu and I will go teacher you're awake. Lie down for a little and you can try to stand up when we come back." Jin says, before he and Tzuyu leave the room. 

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