Chapter 3

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[Sana's POV]

After awhile of admiring Tzuyu, I notice she starts blushing a bit. How could I embarrass myself like this!? "I-I'll be right back." I say before sprinting out of the classroom. I slow down when I'm in the halls. I'm walking very fast. Finally I see a bathroom. I run into it. First I check to see if there is anyone else in the bathroom. Good, there's not. I go into the big stall, and sit in a corner. I start to cry, for whatever reason. I'm so confused. What is happening to me? 

I cry for a little longer until I hear a familiar voice calling out in the halls, "Sana? Where are you?" Oh shoot it's Tzuyu! I try to be as quiet as possible, but that's hard to do when you're crying. I hear the noise that the door makes when it opens. It's a squeaky creaky sound. "Sana?" I hear her call out again. Her voice echoes off the tile walls. Her footsteps get closer. I'm dead. She knocks on my stall door and quietly says, "Sana?" I open my mouth to talk, but nothing comes out. I start to cry even more. That gives me away. She says my name again. "O-ok. I'm in h-here." I manage to say through sniffles. "Wait, are you crying?" Tzuyu asks. I don't reply. "Sana, open the door!" Tzuyu says worriedly. I finally build up the courage to stand up. I slowly walk over to the stall door. I unlock it and open it. Tzuyu is standing right in front of me. She looks at me, and wipes a tear off of my cheek with her hand. I smile the slightest bit. We just stand and look at each other for a while. "We should probably get back to class before we're 'Late'." Tzuyu says. I nod and wipe my face.  

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