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KylieJenner: Bitch I can't wait!!😜
SteelsQueen: so pretty @KarleeSteel
KarleeFanacc: Have fun💚
K.Steelfan: Slay
Queen_K: eyeliner of fleek💎
KarleeSteel: Thx babes @Queen_K💋
Queen_K: OMG u replied I freaking out!! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH
Karleehoe: fuckin ugly bitch
KylieJenner: don't hate bitch she's beautiful
KarleeSteel: dude wtf do you have against me @Karleehoe
Karleehoe: your a bitch who lies dirty hoe
#Veiw more comments#
That's the first bit there is so much more where that came from.
Please vote🌟 every 3 votes I will update---same for every chapter
Btw it's gonna get better let me know your thoughts on the chapter, But what is Karleehoe is talking about?

FanfictionKarlee and Grayson's instagram love story? A secret Love that soon turns public will fans be happy or annoyed with graysons new girl. Does Ethan fall in love too? With who? Filled with Drama Hate and Love. I promise it gets better.✌