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●●●●●●●●●●●KendallJenner: aww I love u bubs💋
EthanDolanmain: couple goals @kendalljenner @EthanDolan
Ethansbae: hope you guys are having fun
DolanGE: still don't understand what's going on with @KylieJenner
Dolanfan: neither hoe could she do something like that @DolanGE
Kendallfan: guys it's none of our business even though I agree she fucking chased her with a knife @DolanGE @Dolanfan
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FanfictionKarlee and Grayson's instagram love story? A secret Love that soon turns public will fans be happy or annoyed with graysons new girl. Does Ethan fall in love too? With who? Filled with Drama Hate and Love. I promise it gets better.✌