Karlee's pov:
"Babe are you sure?" Grayson asks me
"Yeah" I say smiling but terrified on the inside, we decide to tweet from both our accounts about the pregnancy.
"Ok" Gray said wrapping his huge arms around me. We went on Twitter and we pressed the tweet button at the same time.
Karlees tweet:
I wanted to tell you guys that me and Grayson are pregnant🎉 I found out not to long ago and I wanted to share it with you guys because you are our family. Also Kylie is not pregnant she blackmailed me into telling everyone even though I was going to tell you all soon anyway😊 love you all so much xxGraysons tweet:
The announcement is that Karlee is pregnant not Kylie although this was not planed to happen this early I am still happy and can't wait to have either a mini Gray or Karlee running around😂 love you all thanks for the support❤

FanfictionKarlee and Grayson's instagram love story? A secret Love that soon turns public will fans be happy or annoyed with graysons new girl. Does Ethan fall in love too? With who? Filled with Drama Hate and Love. I promise it gets better.✌