Oops! This image does not follow our content guidelines. To continue publishing, please remove it or upload a different image. EthanDolan: Best day every with my girl @kendalljenner
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●●●●●●●●●●●KendallJenner: love you❤ @EthanDolan
KarleeSteel: goals😍
KylieJenner: are u wearing my lipstick K😉?? @kendalljenner
KendallJenner: wtf noo😌
GraysonDolan: u had fun bro? @EthanDolan
EthanDolan: yeah bro lots of fun😉
GraysonDolan: TMI
EthanDolan: says u @GraysonDolan @KarleeSteel
KarleeSteel: shut up 😊
GraysonDolan: love you bbg
KarleeSteel: love u too baby❤
Karleehoe: ^^gross^^
DIRTYdolan: hope u had fun but not to much @EthanDolan @kendalljenner
Kendallfan: you 2 are cute
EthanDolanmain: agree @Kendallfan what should be their ship name??
Kendallfan: Kethan or Endall??
EthanDolanmain: don't know we can work on it l8r
Dolanfan: 🔥🔥🔥
QueenDolan: They are so frickin cute
#Veiw more comments#
Guys sometimes their will be double updates so keep a look out also comment kendall and ethans ship name

FanfictionKarlee and Grayson's instagram love story? A secret Love that soon turns public will fans be happy or annoyed with graysons new girl. Does Ethan fall in love too? With who? Filled with Drama Hate and Love. I promise it gets better.✌