the blue haired wonderer

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chapter 2: the blue haired wonderer

Nico told me a couple months ago that he had a crush on me since 5th grade and that he still did. When he told me that, I said that I appreciated it but I was a lesbian. My brother was laughing his a** off when he saw Nico's face. I'm not a lesbian but I just don't need to get in to a relationship. And definitely not with someone who can't climb a tree or route their way threw the forest.

Luca was already walking up to me with the backpacks. " What the H*** is he doing here, I thought we lost the blue haired wonderer!" he said trying not to scream " I guess he's getting the art of stealth " I said sarcastically. At this point Luca and I were cracking up. "That kid will never ever, ever get the art of stealth in his life." he said in a very serious tone."Hellllo I'm right herrre." Nico said like he was exasperated "Then don't be! GO AWAY! or do you need me to spell it out for you!" Luca growled from clenched teeth. Me and Luca practiced this.

"I can't ..." Nico sighed and I saw his gaze drift in my direction for a millisecond. " Why not?" Luca asked him "because I need to go in the cave with you guys." he said proudly "NO" we both growl/screamed at the same time." Finders keepers losers weepers!" we said in a singsong voice at the same time. This was starting to get creepy. "okay stop. Stop! Okay on 3 I will go,123 Hippopotomus!" Luca and I said that all together it was really creepy

"Why do you need to go in the cave so bad anyway?" I asked him politely "Because I need to protect you." he said smiling and when he said you he touched my nose and I bit him "What?" Luca asked suddenly mad again. " She can protect herself thank you very much. Have you ever seen a bear in these woods a huh ya she killed them. All of them." " there are still some bears in these woods but they don't come to us anymore..." I said quietly, my ears going red.

"I'm still coming." me and Luca got the backpacks open. These weren't our school backpacks. They were Adventure packs. They had food, water, rope, climbing gear, flashlights, lighters, gasoline emergency transmitter, and tons of batteries in both backpacks but in mine I put a heat blanket. Luca and I ducked under the rock. both of us are 6'3 so I was glad when I saw a huge dome

there were stalagmites and some stalactites to there was moss and mushrooms growing. Luca and I were hiding on the wall where the opening was, we were practically invisible. Nico started walking in and yelling our names and once he was a few feet ahead we jumped at him. And he screamed like a little baby girl and I think he peed himself a little.

the flash lights didn't work . we couldn't see 5 feet in front of us. I stumbled around then I pulled out a lighter . and the flame worked I saw a torch by some stalagmites. and light it it lit up the whole cave and I saw something etched on the wall to my right.

he who goes threw this tunnel must bear gift and torch to light the way threw the trouble that the first could not bestow if more than two come in the same minute one may not come back. you have been warned of some of the dangers but not of the treasures.

"Are you sure you want to go Nico? It sounds pretty advanced and your bellow beginner on my chart." I said questioningly hoping he would say No and go home. " Why aren't you asking Luca this Lissa?" I knew Luca would go if I was going and I would do the same for him. and Luca and I love adventure. "Because I know Luca isn't a wussy." I said proud of my brother for not sitting and playing the video games we don't have.

"wont your parents miss you if you don't come home for a few days maybe months? and you need to get your own stuff if you want to come. Because I'm not sharing a thurmo blanket with you." "I know you really want to you just wont think about it." he said sneering. I hissed and punched him in the gut. "I told you I'm a lesbian." "no your not I've seen you googley eyed over boys before."

"well we're leaving without go get some stuff." Luca called over his shoulder as we started walking away farther while Nico went to go get some survival equipment. Nico has a very wealthy family. So he drove a fast car and had an unnecessary amount of pocket cash. So in less than a hour he got the supplies plus extra food and caught up to us.

We walked almost half a mile more before we saw another message on the wall it was newly scratched maybe a few years old. I pointed to it and put my finger on it. The rock felt brittle but strong I poked it hard it didn't crumble. I knocked on it. Weird it was hollow.

I started to read the wall and it was another warning

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