Part 3- The House Party

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       We reach the front door of the house but don’t bother knocking and just walk in. There are people EVERYWHERE- on the front lawn, sitting on the couch, even lying on the stairs.

The second thing I notice about the place is the smell. The smell of alcohol hits me like a train. Still standing at the front door, I try and look through the people and it looks like a nice house. Basement stairs about 7 feet from the door, a beautiful kitchen to your right, and a hallway around the other side of the top of the stairs, I assume it leads to bedrooms.

       I’ve been observing for a few minutes while the guys in our group have already run off. That happens whenever we bring them with us- Cameron is very social like his sister, Luna. Yes, Luna hangs out with her twin brother. He’s always trying out new styles and combinations of clothing. Personally, I think blue goes really well with his blond-highlighted hair and his gorgeous, big, brown eyes, and the way that he smiles- a half smirk sort of thing showing the slightest bit of his perfect teeth…he’s so attractive! So, so attractive…sorry, I'm rambling.

I snap out of my trance when a seemingly hyper girl greets us, “Hi! I’m Bailey! Hope you have fun at the party!” and she runs off… that was weird.

       “She’s the one that lives here.” Says Luna, clearing it up and I nod.

       Dawn turns to face everyone and says, “We should stick together, this is obviously a crowded party and we could get lost or hurt or…” She trails off, remembering something that happened to her last year when she got lost at a party.

       The only person that doesn’t know what happened is CiCi because she joined our friend group a few months ago so she finishes Dawn’s sentence, “Or raped.”

       Dawn looks down, likely remembering the scarring experience. She seems about to cry so Luna grabs her wrist and pulls her downstairs so CiCi and I follow them. We end up in a long hallway with 4 rooms on the left and a big, open living room on the right. There are even more people down here than anywhere else! And the music is so loud! Best Song Ever by One Direction is playing and everyone is dancing and jumping around, it’s hard to find anyone who doesn’t have an alcoholic drink in their hand.

Luna and Dawn quickly jump into the crowd and start dancing while me and CiCi hesitate. We both decide to just leave those two to dance and flirt the night away and we head back upstairs and outside where it’s not so loud. It’s a good thing that Dawn gets distracted easily so she won’t be depressed.


Ok so just a heads up if you plan on continuing to read this fanfic (which I hope you do), it does get really confusing and switches around a lot so you'll have to follow carefully.

I'll try and keep it as non-confusing as possible but I can't promise anything! Oh well! :P

I am quite happy with the way this is turning out and I hope y'all keep reading it!

Heck, share it too if you like! :D

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