Part 10- Home

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I quietly walk into the kitchen to get a glass of water and head upstairs. I hear snoring so my dad is asleep. My Mom likely is too unless she was listening for me.

I walk into my room and feel the cold air because of my door being closed.

      I place my water on my dresser and change into a blue, striped tank top and pink plaid pajama pants. I remove my rings and necklace and hat but leave the bracelets on. Finally, I brush my hair and plug in my iPhone 5 charger and my phone. My laptop is already on my pillow so I lie down on my stomach and open up my computer to watch YouTube videos as usual for a couple hours. I don't sleep much for how hyper I usually am.

      What I'm not expecting tho is a text...from Connor.


To: Oceana

Hi Oceana, it's Connor. JC gave me your number and told me you wanted me to text you


      Should I text him back right away or wait a bit? I'm someone who always texts back right away but I do wonder what people think about that. I decide to go into my subscriptions on YouTube and check what videos people uploaded today with takes about two minutes. After that I pick up my phone and reply.


To: Connor

Hi Connor. I told JC to give you my number cuz I wanted to apologize for just running away earlier without an explanation. My friends weren't texting me back and I got worried so I ran off to find them


      Apparently Connor is one to text quite quickly and I receive a message right away.


To: Oceana

Oh ok thanks. I figured you just didn't wanna go out with me


To: Connor

Actually I would've said yes


      My heart flutters as I send that. It makes me nervous about what's he's gonna say.


To: Oceana

So- Would you wanna get lunch with me tomorrow or something?


To: Connor

Yeah sure. I'd love to


To: Oceana

Great :) Wanna meet me at Taco Bell at 12?


To: Connor

Sounds good to me!


To: Oceana

Awesome. See you tomorrow. Bye


To: Connor



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