Part 18- Double Date

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      6:00. Connor should be here any minute. And there's the knock at the door. I open the door to see Connor and Ricky. Connor smiles at me so I shout to Luna and she hurries outside. I say bye to my mom after another long list of questions and we head off.

      We don't have to walk past Cameron and Luna's house, which makes me kind of glad.

After Connor says we're half way, he shoots Ricky a glance. Then Connor takes my hand and Ricky takes Luna's. I know she's freaking inside even though she just smiles on the outside.

We reach their house and they both let us go in first. I’ve never been fond of entering a home I’ve never been in before. They bring us upstairs into someone’s bedroom and we pass JC on the way. I assume it’s Connor’s room because he plops down on the large bed.

“So what would you ladies like to do?” Asks Ricky, politely.

I don’t say anything, presuming Luna will do all the talking (and I’m right). “I dunno,” she begins, “what do people usually do in this situation?” Luna and I both have dirty minds so we both think of that wrong. I’m not courageous enough to say it out loud but of course she is. “I did not mean anything dirty!!!”

Ricky and Connor both laugh.

“How about we play truth or dare?” Luna suggests excitedly. I facepalm and shake my head. That’s all she ever wants to do.

Everyone laughs again and agrees to play the risky game. Connor and I sit on the floor, leaning against his bed and Luna and Ricky sit across from us. “Who wants to ask first?” Asks Connor.

No one volunteers so Connor decides to just ask Ricky, “Ricky, truth or dare?”

“Truth.” Says Ricky.

“Wimp.” Teases Luna.

Connor pretends to think hard. Then he asks, “If you had to pick one over the other, which would you pick- never having a car again, or never getting to kiss Luna?”

As soon as Connor says it, Luna and Ricky’s faces go bright red.

“I…” stutters Ricky. He looks at Luna, but quickly looks back at Connor. He runs his hand through his hair, “Well…I do love my car…but…” Ricky swallows and smiles at the floor, “I guess I’d have to say, never have a car again.”

Luna then pulls her ‘crush face’. She does it when she sees a guy she likes or when a guy complements her and things along that line. Basically, she raises he eyebrows, smiles, then bites her lip. I smiles at her and Ricky continues with the game by asking me next.

“Oceana, truth or dare?”

I think for a second…would it be a good idea? What if…? Aw screw it, “Dare.” I say confidently.

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