Inara's 7th Birthday

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A/N: Okay so this is going to be on Inara's birthday when majority of the kids are 10 years-old. The picture is of the BBQ in which Jason and Percy can barley move away from.

"Kids!" Leo yells. "Dinner's ready!"

There's a sound of splashing water and laughter as the kids get out of the pool and grab their towels. It didn't take long before they realized that it wasn't a good idea to go up to the BBQ hut when dripping wet.

Lily and Angel are the first ones at the hut, their hair back in ponytail that drip water from the ends and towels wrapped tightly around their bodies. Inara and Isobell are next and Frank helps Inara get on one of the stools. Then come the boys. Towels hanging of their shoulders and laughing, pushing each other about.

A stern look from Hazel reminds them that they should be drying off instead of goofing around.

"Okay," Percy says with a large smile. "Since Inara's the birthday girl she gets first dibs on food."

"Aww." the boys groan getting the adults to laugh.

"When it's your birthday you get first pick." Lily reminds them rolling her green-blue eyes.

"Can I have a cheeseburger?" Inara asks her head tilted to the right just the slightest, something she constantly does when confused, nervous, or simply doesn't understand.

"Sure." Jason says putting one on a paper plate. "Anything on it?"

Inara shakes her head.

"Okay, what drink do you want?"

"Can I have a soda?" she asks her mom.

"Sure." Calypso says smiling at her daughter.

"Can I have a Sprite?" she's bouncing up and down by now.

"Of course." Piper gets a can of Sprite from the fridge in the hut and hands it to her. "Chips or fries?"


"Alright. Now go sit at the table. The others will be there soon."

Inara nods and Alex helps her carry her food to the table by the pool. "I'll be right back." he says running back to the BBQ hut and Lily and Angel sit down at the table next to Inara.

"What'd you get?"

"Fruit salad." Angel responds.

"Hot dog with ketchup and mustard." Lily says taking a large bite.

The others sit down and the adults stay at the hut, common since Alex is 11 and can look after his cousins for a few minutes without the adults watching their every move.

Once they're done the adults bring out a cake and Inara blows out the candles after a quick Happy Birthday song. The kids get large slices of cake and the boys devour them quickly, while Isobell, Inara, and Angel savoring the taste, and Lily simply eats it like she did her hot dog.

Once cake is done the kids go inside Leo and Calypso's home and sit down on the couch while Hazel puts a movie in. By the time the movie's over the kids are asleep and the dad's put the girls in Inara's room and the boys in Alex's.

"Another birthday and another cake gone within a good ten minutes." Piper says while the guys clean up outside and they sit on the couch talking.

"Can't wait until Alex's birthday." Hazel smiles. "What does he want to do again?"

"He wants to go out to laser tag with the whole family." Calypso says with a soft smile. "If only he could channel that energy into his homework."

"Same with Trenton." Annabeth says. "The second he gets home he goes right outside to play with Jake and Alex. They're starting to disclude Lily and Angel."

"I noticed that." Piper says. "Ever since Isobell's birthday they've been hanging out with just the three of them."

"It's a guy thing." Hazel says. "At least I hope it's a guy thing."

"More of a thing called puberty." Calypso sighs.

"Don't talk to me about that." Annabeth groans. "Trenton's getting more and more frustrating to deal with and Lily's inherited her dad's sarcasm."

"Jake barely even does his chores anymore." Piper adds. "Not to mention he's gotten more stubborn."

"Well it can only get worse before it gets better." Hazel sighs. "Let's be grateful that it's not worse right now."

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