Lily and Trenton's Birthday Part 2

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A/N: Sorry to all of you who waited patiently for this chapter. I had a bad case of this little thing called writers block. I know that I use that excuse a lot now-a-days, but with school and family and friends and fandoms I'm having a hard time getting ideas for chapters. Anyways, mini rant over and the chapter shall begin! The picture is of the watch Hael gives to Lily and Trenton as a present.

Lily was nervous. Perhaps a little too nervous. Sure it was her birthday, but things had gotten awkward, for many reasons. When she and Alex agreed that their relationship was more than a bit awkward because of how they were basically related Jake had told the rest of the kids that he liked the dark haired girl.

"Lily?" Trenton asked looking at his twin. "You okay? You're zoning out on us."

"Huh?" Lily asked looking around and noticing some people talking to their parents inside their house. "Yeah. Just kinda nervous about everything. I mean...I dunno. We're meeting our grandparents. It's a bit of a shock."

"True." Trenton said hugging the teen, who was now shaking despite the warm weather. "But we'll be fine. We're family. And no matter what family can get through anything."

"I'm sure some people would beg to differ." Lily said pulling away and taking a deep breath. "Are you nervous?"

"No." Trenton said as the grandparents entered the backyard. "I'm terrified." It was so quiet that Trenton was sure Lily hadn't heard him, but she was his twin, of course she heard him.

All of the kids steeled themselves, Lily still not 100% sure her parents were telling the truth about them being demigods. But seeing the grandparents this close made her realize that it could be a possibility. They had a bit of a regal air about them, but at the same time they all looked annoyed with at least one other person there. Maybe that's just the way adults are, Lily thought. Can't go a day without seeing someone you hated...or strongly dislike as Aunt Calypso says.

Taking a deep breath Alex took a step forward and all the grandparents turned to look at him, as though they'd been waiting for one of the treens to break their uniform line.

"Um...hi I-I guess." he stutters out, something he hadn't done since he was little.

While the rest of the teens were concerned on how to go about taking to these people Inara was watching Hael. Her brown eyes never left the radhead's figure for even a fraction of a second, until the grandparents started talking.

All the teens were sending each other glances whenever they could and trying to cheer the others up. Of course while reactions varied depending on the teens all were at a loss for words, struggling to say something and not sound offensive.


"So who exactly are the grandparents?" Hael asked Calypso taking a sip of her 'adult' beverage.

"'s a long story. I'm fairly sure you'd be bored after the first few minutes or so." Calypso stumbled for the right words. "It's not as exciting as you probably think it is. Trust me on this one Hael."

"Well I've heard many a stories in my life. Including a certian one from my cousin-"

"That's right you never told us about your cousin." Calypso said quickly, desperate to change the subject. "Waht's she going through. You only told us that she wanted you to vist for moral support or something onl those lines."

"Oh..uh right. Well I'm not entierly sure how I'd describe Lyds. For one thing she's..very interesting. And complex. Refused to talk to me last time i visited, something about a friends boyfriend or her boyfriend. Anyways, she didn't want to see me because of that and..well let's just say I was very surprised to find out the truth behind her reasoning. I'm 99% sure she still hates me for what happened." Hael said biting her lip.

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