The Wait

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A/N: This is what happens when you give me coffee mixed with 5 Hour Energy after a stomach ache. Fair warning to the readers. The picture is of the hospital waiting room.

Lily was sitting on a chair waiting for the parents to show up. Isobel, Trenton, and Alex were explaining to Nico how it happened and Angel was currently in the bathroom helping Inara, as the younger was most likely ridding the contents of her stomach in a toilet

"Liliana  Michelle Jackson." Lily winced as she heard her mother shout. "What exactly is going on?"

Lily faced the adults and sighed. This was the exact opposite of what she expected for today.

"Okay, well I have no idea what happened exactly. Alex and Trenton were the only ones with him at the time. From what they told me Jake wanted to jump off the rocky part of the lake. Something went wrong and now we're here." Lily explained as the adults sat down. "That's all I know."

Piper sighed and shook her head. "Is my son really that stupid?" She asked.

"Well from the looks of it it's not stupidity." Leo shrugged.

"Okay." Annabeth nodded. "Then what is it?"

"I don't want to alarm anyone but I think he's a bit of an adrenaline junkie."

"Okay that's far worse than just plain old stupidity." Jason groaned. "Any ideas why he's like that?"

"I have no idea. Inara told me it was a high chance."

"How does a 14 year old figure that?" Percy asked nervously. "When I was 14 I could barely walk without tripping over myself."

"She wants to be a psychologist." Calypso said after a few moments of awkward silence.

"So she's willing to go through years of training and schooling along with getting psycho analyzed before she can reach her goal?" Frank questioned.

"I didn't know what I wanted to do when I grew up at 14." Lily mumbled. "Hell I still don't know. And I'm graduating next spring."

They sat in an awkward silence until Nick came by with Isobel, Alex, and Trenton in tow behind him.

"Well," he sighed. "he's gonna be in surgery for a while."

"Hang on," Angel asked, the others jumping slightly having not noticed her and a pale looking Inara join them. "Isobel said it was just a broken bone."

"It's a compound fracture  Angel." Nico sighed. "They have to reset the bone with any broken one, but since this broke through skin they have to go and place it back inside the leg before they cab actually realign the broken bone. So surgery is best for now. But since they had to basically shove the pain killers down his throat since he refused to take them or call an ambulance the chances of him keeping that leg, about a 50 maybe 40% chance."

"Didn't need that many details little brother." Hazel complained.

"Just stating it like it is."

"So Inara," Piper asked. "your father tells us you think Jake might be an adrenaline junkie."

"Uh yeah." the brunette gulped nervously. "The signs became more evident after a while. Constantly doing things that will land him in the hospital, looking for a reason to do something stupidly dangerous, most commonly dares or for a reward like money or free food. I'm certain he'll say he only does those things because they look fun, but he's an adrenaline junkie."

"Great." Jason groaned. "How long area we gonna have to wait before we can see him?"

"Half hour to an hour is my guess." Nico shrugged.

"Well, it's a long wait." Trenton sighed.

A/N: Hey guys. Writers block is officially gone! She says with fingers crossed. Anyways I couldn't find anything on how to treat a compound fracture or how doctors deal with it so I had to ask my nurse in training friend/cousin for some advice so I'm sorry if it's not 100% accurate. Tell me what ya think in the comments. -G

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