Isobel Graduates and Some News

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A/N: Hey guys. I've officially decided I'll post a few more chapters then end this story. I might continue it in another story based on the kids lives during/after college. No promises though. I don't think I need to explain what the picture for this chapter is of.

"Hey there he is." Isobel turned to see Alex walking through the door to the backyard, phone gripped tightly in his hand.

"Worried about something Zander?" Inara asked plucking the phone from her brother's hands as he hugged Isobel.

"Inara give it back." he snapped trying to reach for his phone.

"Nah uh Mr. Teacher Man." Inara said with a large smile. "It's about that French girl isn't it?"

"French girls?" Jake asked walking towards the others, a slight limp due to his prosthetic leg.

"Uh yeah." Alex said rubbing the back of his neck. "I met this French girl last year and we've been together for a while. She told me she was going to call her family and make sure she can finish school here because she wants to be with me."

"Wait what?" Isobel said her jaw dropping.

"Didn't Inara tell you?" Alex asked.

"Haven't had the time." Inara says. "She's graduating tonight and I'm busy with getting ready for my senior year. I mean to tell you Belle I just haven't had the time."

"It's fine." Isobel waves her hand in a dismissal like way, her black hair curled perfectly. "Besides I've been meaning to mention that my mom's coming to see me graduate."

"When was the last time we saw her?" Jake asked.

"Uh..eight grade graduation. Still making amends with people she, in her words not mine or dad's, 'tortured' by knowing them." Isobel used air quotes around the word tortured.

"Huh. Where are the others?" Alex asked looking around.

"Right here." Lily smiled walking towards them. "Trenton and Angel just pulled up so they'll be here in a bit to. What are we talking about?"

"Belle's mom is stopping by." Jake smiled. "So did Trenton and Angel call you guys yet to tell you the news?"

"What news?" Isobel asked looking confused.

"They didn't tell you yet? Shit! Sorry." Jake's hazel eyes widened as the words left his mouth. "Forget I said anything."

"Jake what are you going on about?" Lily asked.

"Nothing. So Belle," Jake rushed to say. "you excited to be done with school?"

" I mean high school wasn't the worst but it certainly wasn't the best."

"That's perfectly normal." Lily said, still confused on the sudden change of topic. "What college are you going to?"

"Um..well after a lot of talking with my dad and phone calls with my mom I've decided to take a gap year." Isobel said blushing furiously.

"Wait a what year?" Inara asked.

"A gap year." Alex explained. "You take a year off before going to college. Your parents are okay with this?"

"Yeah. I mean my mom's not in 100% control of my life, ya know since she missed out on the first 12 years of it, and my dad says that as long as I use it to help me figure out what I really want to do then he's fine with it." Isobel said as Trenton and Angel join them.

"Hey guys." Trenton said with a large smile.

"Hey." Lily said hugging her twin. "What have you two been up to?"

"Oh not much." Angel laughed. "Just finishing up my degree, apartment hunting, checking dates..nothing terribly exciting."

"Wait," Inara held her hands up in a time out position. "what do you mean by checking dates?"

"That's right we forgot to tell you guys." Trenton sighed, hitting his forehead lightly. "We got engaged."

"Are you serious?" Inara smiled brightly as she hugged Angel.

"Congratulations." Alex said slapping Trenton on the back.

"That's great guys!" Isobel laughed.

"Yeah," Lily smiled. "I'm happy for you two."

Angel smiled as she rested her head on Trenton's shoulder. "We figured it would be best to do it before my own graduation next year, but someone has finals and won't be able to help plan."

"Not my fault." Trenton said.

"Yes it is." Angel laughed, "You picked the 12 week course instead of the 16 week because you said, and I quote: 'I'll be able to spend more time with you babe'. Really Trenton you have no one to blame but yourself."

"Yeah rub it in my face why don't ya." Trenton grumbled.

They all laughed and Inara smiled to herself as she thought about how much everything was going to change in the next year or so.

A/N: Okay guys this is the second to last chapter. If there's anything you want to see in the last one tell me in the comments and I'll see if I can work it in. Please tell me what you think as well. I will be doing a second one based on the kids lives during/after college and will try and fit in more back stories i.e how Alex met the French girl and how Jake's dealing with his prosthetic leg. So let me know. -G

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