How Should We React?

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A/N: Alright we're not gonna be spending much more time with the kids because I really want to write the parents reactions to Hael thus far. The picture is of the car they're all riding in on their way back from Camp Half-Blood.

Piper laughs as Hazel mentions something about the differences between the camps. The guys were all asleep in the back, Piper driving, Annabeth riding shotgun,  Calypso sitting behind Annabeth, and Hazel by the window behind Piper.

"So now onto something more serious." Annabeth sighs. "What about Hael?"

"Jake texted me saying she was really nice, and that ALex and Trenton may or may not have pulled her into the pool with them." Piper says switching lanes.

"So how did she react?" Hazel asks.

"A little mad a first, but then she was playing along with them. She even got them to take turns on the chair. She also mentioned an ankle cast cover that Jake can wear so he can go swimming without getting the cast wet." Piper sighs. "I guess they like her."

"I'm not sure what to think of her." Calypso sighed. "I mean they make her sound really nice but when she talked to us first she was very rude."

"Nico mentioned something about her being an expert with emotions and being able to connect with peoples emotions. So because we treated her so rudely when she first showed up that's how she acted towards us, but because I was so willing to at least give her a chance, for Isobel's sake, she connected witht hat and that's why she was suddenly nice and at the same time concerned." Hazel explains. "It sound slike something out of a science fiction story though."

"It would make sense." Annabeth says. "I'm refering to her sudden change in character after she looked at you, Hazel."

"But at the same time it's very unlikely that something like that happenes to a person." Piper notes. "But then again when was the last time anything we thought was unlikely was actually that?"

"True." Hazel says. " should we react to Hael?"

"Not sure. To be honest other than her rude spasim when we first met her she seemed nice." Calypso shrugs. "But she did abandon Isobel and Nico."

"Well trust me when I say that she was right when she said she wasn't ready to be a mother." Annabeth says. "You know that one person who's out doing a bunch of weird-ass stuff that just sounds wrong and gross and probably is, but like times ten. That was Hael. She seems well put together now."

"How different does she look than back in college?" Piper asks.

"Very." Annabeth gives a soft smile. "She was always wearing shorts that barely covered her ass and tops that would reveal far too much. She acting like a spoiled brat and would demand nothing but the best. So her rudeness was probably just a simple set ack to then, but she calmed herself down and started acting reasonably. Maybe she's grown out of her acting like an idiot phase."

A/N: Sorry for the delay I have school and won't be updating as frequently as I do during the weekends so maybe a chapter or two from Mon-Thrus. On Fri-Sun though it depends on everything I have going on. Let me know what you think and we'll get back to the kids and Hael next chapter. -G

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